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  1. F

    Dark Matter

    Dark matter takes up about 85percent of all mass in the universe. It's the scaffolding on which the visible structure of the Universe is hung influencing everything we can see. The whole universe would collapse without it. scientists cant explain it, its a mystery. For Christians this shows...
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    Hi, Can we ask difficult questions here?

    Thankyou. I just wonder how people grow in faith if they don't ask difficult questions.
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    Hi, Can we ask difficult questions here?

    Yes thankyou, the truth, such a godly word
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    Are you prophetic

    It is possible, I did get a message video from you that was important to me, I thought at the time that's from God as I received a message that brought me close to Jesus.
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    Why did Jesus Pray??

    I think its wonderful that Jesus prayed, praying to himself, no I don't think so, he prayed to father God I think. Its the father son thing, then we have the holy spirit, is that Jesus. Its such a rich river of discovery.
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    Why do christian woman refuse to wear headscarf when praying?

    Sorry a bit heavy, I need to lighten up.
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    Why do christian woman refuse to wear headscarf when praying?

    I understand and I agree in a perfect world, all men would be just like Jesus. Millions of women are persecuted by men even now. I know its a bit extreme but millions of women have to cover their heads or risk being put to death, and many women have been. In the last few weeks a Iranian woman...
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    Are you prophetic

    I enjoyed it thanks. I don't think I am one.
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    Are you prophetic

    Thanks, I will take a look
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    Why do christian woman refuse to wear headscarf when praying?

    subjugation of women by men, you see it in all faiths and societies
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    In the UK, the church of England (the largest church organisation) is very traditional and not attractive to younger people. Lots of churches have shut down with one minster looking after three churches. The new evangelical churches are thriving and growing so I suppose this might mean something.
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    The same thing in the UK. A number of people had faith built on sand, going along with others to be included. To be a christian I believe is very difficult today, an age where everything is evidence based, and so much temptation. People consider less the greater questions about mortality. Death...