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  1. Ebs24

    (Newbie) 30 day water fast with god

    I am being rewarded by God everyday of this fast! You can continue to post these things assuming your know my mindset and heart about my fast... god bless you sir and you do not have to part take in this topic or my post if you feel I’m being boastful or trying to show off, that is my last...
  2. Ebs24

    (Newbie) 30 day water fast with god

    Yes I will! Yes that is true also!
  3. Ebs24

    (Newbie) 30 day water fast with god

    Thanks for that I’ll be reading the book of Isaiah tonight definitely needs those healing words! I just look to him when I feel a little discouraged or sad! Also the enemy has been tempting me a lot with food lately but I’ve been fighting it! It’s getting harder though everyday... I thought it...
  4. Ebs24

    (Newbie) 30 day water fast with god

    Yes my grandmother was telling the same advice to start journaling! I will definitely do this the remaining days of my fast!
  5. Ebs24

    (Newbie) 30 day water fast with god

    Pretty good! I have a 3 day church convention starting tomorrow so I’m pretty excited about that :) Day 18 now I think 30 will be enough for me ... 1 thing I’ve been needing to read and worship more and more to still get that same feeling I had a bit earlier... I think he wants more from me so I...
  6. Ebs24

    (Newbie) 30 day water fast with god

    I know right ?? I don’t understand why it’s looked at badly by fellow christians when it is clearly all over the bible... let them do as they please I’ll continue to fast and continue praising god either way, so it doesn’t affect me but one thing is your not supposed to talk about fasting really...
  7. Ebs24

    (Newbie) 30 day water fast with god

    Yes ma’am I went to my doctor! He was I shocked I wanted to do such a thing but allowed me to do so... I was sick of talking to people on Instagram, they cannot have an conversation without swearing and calling me names soo i wanted to connect more with felllow christians ... something I...
  8. Ebs24

    (Newbie) 30 day water fast with god

    I have done a bit. Basically inside of me right now The level of toxicity in all the toxins and acid my body is releasing can surely kill me if I do not flush it out of my system with water. This will be ( TMI ) But I have a bowel movement everyday & it’s all pretty much liquid not all but 80%...
  9. Ebs24

    (Newbie) 30 day water fast with god

    There is a full sermon on YouTube of dr.myles about prayer and fasting & fasting efficiently. He will state in this video that the bible has versus that state this... if you watch the whole thing you’ll hear it further explain this. I won’t lie it’s an hour and 30 min long but extremely...
  10. Ebs24

    (Newbie) 30 day water fast with god

    There a lot of scriptures about fasting... I believe you have to experience it for yourself and Jesus is our man example we should follow everything he does in the bible.
  11. Ebs24

    (Newbie) 30 day water fast with god

    Aww Thank you 😊 yes Godspeed all the way to heaven!
  12. Ebs24

    (Newbie) 30 day water fast with god

    It’s difficult at first because the toxins your used to eating want to be fed and your basically saying no but the body wants it... the stomach is our greatest controller if you cannot control your belly you’ll always be whipped by the flesh as dr.myles says I believe that! I think that the body...
  13. Ebs24

    (Newbie) 30 day water fast with god

    I just wanted to post the true definition of FASTING - The willful abstaining from natural pleasures for SPIRITUAL purpose. Fasting without this purpose will result in failure. In the bible on several occasions it says we should all fast even children and breast feeding mothers... I know I was...
  14. Ebs24

    (Newbie) 30 day water fast with god

    Announce lol yes I’ve been in his word! It’s really not that bad when you praise and worship... I’ve been reading a lot of books T.D jakes newest book crushing & the bible I’m trying to read it all by the end of my fast I might go for 40 days.. something in spirt tells me I know I need back...
  15. Ebs24

    (Newbie) 30 day water fast with god

    I was reading dr. Myles Monroe’s book and he said the exact same thing I had absolutely no idea about this... but in my heart I was trying to gain more scripture and people to encourage... that is the only reason I chose to speak about it but next time I’ll do better.
  16. Ebs24

    (Newbie) 30 day water fast with god

    oh no, yes never solid foods and meat it’s too soon lol be careful! But congratulations that’s great 😃
  17. Ebs24

    (Newbie) 30 day water fast with god

    yes is I’ve been able to get into the spirit a lot quicker and last night I had an amazing revelation, I recently purchased T.d jakes new book crushing, I was up will 3 am reading this, it’s an incredible book. A profit came to me and told me I have the key to someone becoming a follower of...
  18. Ebs24

    Scriptures For Mental Warfare

    Thank you very much for this powerful scripture! It spoke to me really God bless you!
  19. Ebs24

    (Newbie) 30 day water fast with god

    Absolutely it’s a very powerful thing... Church this Sunday while fasting was very intense. I’ve never spoke in the Spiritual tongue for that long in my life before I couldn’t control it lol it wouldn’t stop! It’s truly a beautiful thing I’m on my 7th day today and I’ve already gotten a lot of...
  20. Ebs24

    (Newbie) 30 day water fast with god

    Awesome! Thank you very much for that and it’s almost all mental I’m discovering again