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  1. G

    Can the church survive without the Holy Spirit.

    I think it is a question for the sake of a question. Depends which perspective to look at it from. As a one of the human religions, cults, yada, yada, anything is possible to exist, so in that case, yes. As a body of Christ, the living entity, as God wants it to be, no. That's why God sent His...
  2. G

    The Apostleship Of Paul...

    I may seem that Paul was saying when there will be no one to preach to anymore, then it will be the end, no more anyone to preach to. Like when you dig potatoes in the garden and no more potatoes left to dig, that's the end of the garden.
  3. G

    Would Jesus drink Alcohol?

    I don't see the connection.
  4. G

    Would Jesus drink Alcohol?

    Law prohibits wine?
  5. G

    Would Jesus drink Alcohol?

    Why is it important if Jesus did this or that? He could do anything he wanted to as a man, yet he had a mission to accomplish, I don't think he had time for anything we are trying to justify and that is unnecessary and often harmful in our lives. If anyone wants to drink, drink, but do not try...
  6. G

    The Apostleship Of Paul...

    I think people, well, many of them, resent Paul's apostleship confusing the meaning of it as far as duties performed and live witnessing the life of Christ Jesus, our Lord. He had same authorities and powers as other apostles, yet he was not a witness of Lord's life while he was on Earth. Why...
  7. G

    The Apostleship Of Paul...

    I had not said otherwise. They both were in the same boat. For example?
  8. G

    End times

    Have to admit, you are doing great job in correcting wrong doers. I'll have to abide with your advice.
  9. G

    End times

    It seems like there is a bit of an arrogance coming from your insecurity. I have nothing against anything, just trying to look at things from different perspectives, not just a doctrine, which came from hard core religion, that was slaughtering people in the name of God. There is no reason act...
  10. G

    The Apostleship Of Paul...

    I'm not arguing, just giving a different perspective. Of coarse they were in the same boat. Paul was a teacher though.
  11. G

    End times

    That's exactly what I was talking about, with the attitude "save the world" we can't even communicate with each other humbly, let alone "save" someone.
  12. G

    End times

    If your brother sins against you.. maybe, yet in any case, it is not our job.
  13. G

    End times

    " They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us. "
  14. G

    The Apostleship Of Paul...

    Who was Luke? Paul's secretary. What do secretaries do? Whatever boss tells them. Questions?
  15. G

    Wimmen:: you gotta love us all right??

    To the OP. You work with them, that means you do just that, work with them. No personal issues of any kind allowed into the work interactions.
  16. G

    I am a Christian who does not accept or follow Christianity.

    "an hour is coming when whoever kills you will think and claim that he has offered service to God. " As far as I can understand the whole issue, Lord did not teach anything, he was asking questions and explaining conditions. Why?
  17. G

    Would Jesus drink Alcohol?

    It is not convenient to expose themselves.
  18. G

    End times

    With all due respect I have a question. Where did that job come from and how much does it pay if I to apply for it?
  19. G

    Would Jesus drink Alcohol?

    Same as money, power and such. It is what we do with it, not what is it. Yes, lots of problems from alcohol abuse, yet more problems from money, forbid it from church? Fanatics create zombies.
  20. G

    Don’t like my son

    I know it is an old post, yet.. He is not your property. Let him be. You are not responsible for his choices. He is a free grown man, his own person. Treat him as such.