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  1. J

    Does Oneness theology (Modalism) teach a "sock puppet" view of God's nature?

    READ CAREFULLY WHAT IS WRITTEN IN John 16:26-27... "In that day you will ask in my name, and I do not say to you that I will ask the Father on your behalf; 27 for the Father himself loves you, because you have loved me and have believed that I came from God." As you said Jesus...
  2. J

    Does Oneness theology (Modalism) teach a "sock puppet" view of God's nature?

    I believe NOT ONLY, but I believe Jesus is both Man(Son of God) and GOD(Father/Spirit). Speaking in tongues is not a requirement for salvation, it is only an initial sign of receiving the Holy Spirit. Frankly speaking I never yet speaking in tongues but I already receive the Holy Spirit. I...
  3. J

    Does Oneness theology (Modalism) teach a "sock puppet" view of God's nature?

    The Father and the Spirit did not cease to exist because we did not believe that Jesus is only Son of God but also GOD who is the Spirit. We rather believe the Son is not eternal. In contrast, we more than believe the Father and Spirit continue to exist because Lord Jesus is now the Spirit and...
  4. J

    Does Oneness theology (Modalism) teach a "sock puppet" view of God's nature?

    You base the loving relationship as a proof of your Trinity but we also believe that during the Incarnation. How about the loving relationship of the Holy Spirit? Or the triple loving relationship?
  5. J

    Does Oneness theology (Modalism) teach a "sock puppet" view of God's nature?

    Three persons it makes three minds, three spirits and three deities, we maintain that God is one person in His divinity as HOLY ONE, the Eternal I AM, now Jesus!
  6. J

    Does Oneness theology (Modalism) teach a "sock puppet" view of God's nature?

    God(Spirit) manifested in the flesh... as in Christ all the fullness of God in a human body.
  7. J

    Does Oneness theology (Modalism) teach a "sock puppet" view of God's nature?

    "At that moment Jesus said: My Father, Lord of heaven and earth, I am grateful that you hid all this from wise and educated people and showed it to ordinary people." -Matthew 11:25(Contemporary English Version) "At that time Jesus said, "Father, Lord of heaven and earth! I thank you because you...
  8. J

    Does Oneness theology (Modalism) teach a "sock puppet" view of God's nature?

    Again and again to say there is a distinction between the humanity of Christ with his divinity(Father) the all-knowing God, that makes two during the Incarnation but not two deities/Spirits.
  9. J

    Does Oneness theology (Modalism) teach a "sock puppet" view of God's nature?

    Anyway at the baptism of Jesus you emphasize the Father and Holy Spirit witness Jesus, but does not explicitly says that both the Father and Holy Spirit witness Jesus. Let me ask again further, how many distinct spirits of at the baptism of Jesus? As what I see in Jesus baptism there is only One...
  10. J

    Three Gods or one? Explain the Trinity.

    The Father is the divine side of human Christ, and the Son is the human side of Jesus as a result of Incarnation, as God says "Today I have begotten thee...
  11. J

    Does Oneness theology (Modalism) teach a "sock puppet" view of God's nature?

    Where we can find that verse that both the Father and Holy Spirit witness to Jesus? ((Witnessing REQUIRES distinct persons)) So you are saying to distinct spirits witnessing?
  12. J

    Three Gods or one? Explain the Trinity.

    This is Oneness doctrine analogy...
  13. J

    Does Oneness theology (Modalism) teach a "sock puppet" view of God's nature?

    Michael Servetus: Intellectual Giant, Humanist, and Martyr
  14. J

    Does Oneness theology (Modalism) teach a "sock puppet" view of God's nature?

    UnitedWithChrist there is any killed or persecuted in the past of defending the trinity doctrine?
  15. J

    Does Oneness theology (Modalism) teach a "sock puppet" view of God's nature?

    While Oneness biblically explains the dual nature of Christ, but sad to think that Trinitarians want to multiply God as the way THRITHEISM thinks that God is a three distinct Deities, and so much this is really the way UnitedWithChrist thinks about God, when in fact there is no Triune God, but...
  16. J

    Does Oneness theology (Modalism) teach a "sock puppet" view of God's nature?

    I just wake up 3 o'clock this early morning Philippines time. I first partially watch the video the debate between White and Sabin, next time I will watch the video between Bernard and White debate. This is only I viewed the video, as you can see the flows of the RED as for the meantime I stop...
  17. J

    Does Oneness theology (Modalism) teach a "sock puppet" view of God's nature?

    Why you will not come the Scriptures says how the sharing was made of Divine essence/being. Clearly, the scripture says there is only one God the Father, and the Father gave everything to the Son, and Jesus testified that it was given to Him from the Father. It is not the three persons who...
  18. J

    Does Oneness theology (Modalism) teach a "sock puppet" view of God's nature?

    "At that moment Jesus said: My Father, Lord of heaven and earth, I am grateful that you hid all this from wise and educated people and showed it to ordinary people." -Matthew 11:25(Contemporary English Version) "At that time Jesus said, "Father, Lord of heaven and earth! I thank you because you...
  19. J

    Does Oneness theology (Modalism) teach a "sock puppet" view of God's nature?

    Regarding the Holy Spirit, there is only one Spirit of God, so there is only one Person(as Deity) of the Spirit, at the same time the Spirit of the Son and of the Father that is the Holy Spirit. To reiterate again, the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God in action, it is now the Spirit of Christ in...
  20. J

    Does Oneness theology (Modalism) teach a "sock puppet" view of God's nature?

    Concerning their distinction, clearly it will be point to nature between Christ humanity and His divinity(Father), as the Son does not know his second coming but only the Father, and He rather followed the will of the Father than His human will. In regard to distinction, you cannot compare...