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  1. C

    Praying in Tongues

    I believe what is being referred to is the complete word of God...
  2. C

    Praying in Tongues

    Yes, but Gods word hadn't been written, so it does hold water.
  3. C

    Praying in Tongues

    I disagree. I cor 13 says tongues would cease when that which is perfect comes. Whether that is Jesus Christ or Gods perfect word, both have already come...
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    Praying in Tongues

    It doesn't not say it either...
  5. C

    Praying in Tongues

    Why, then, does I Corinthians 13 say that tongues will cease when that which is perfect (God's written word) comes? If God has already given us his word on the subject, then that is all there is to it.
  6. C

    Does God want us to choose between law and grace?

    what difference does all this make if Jesus died on the cross and put his will into affect (the New Testament)? The old law is been done away with. As an example for today, if someone writes a will legally and then supersedes that will with additional instructions legally, are the 2nd set of...
  7. C

    Praying in Tongues

    Every one that prays prays in tongues… Tongues are just a language.
  8. C

    John 3:16

    No, what you are spewing is a false gospel. However, no surprise, Jesus said the last days would be this way...
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    John 3:16

    Tourist, since Jesus was baptized and he told everyone else to also, Mark 16:16, should we not follow his example and teaching, or is it up us to decide the terms of entrance into Heaven?
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    Do you know your scripture?

    I am as well....
  11. C

    Mark 16: 9-20 inspiration, God or man?

    Very well said.....
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    Mark 16: 9-20 inspiration, God or man?

    just like Jesus said if you believe you will be baptized....
  13. C

    Mark 16: 9-20 inspiration, God or man?

    He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.
  14. C

    Not By Works

    if you say that it's false, fine. However, I would like you to provide Scripture to back up your claims.
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    John 3:16

    I believe you are the one not correctly presenting the gospel, because if someone believes in someone they will do what that person says. Since Jesus commanded baptism, there you go.
  16. C

    Not By Works

    Faith and Works are necessary for Salvation...Of course, if you have that Jesus will save you if you do his commandments, then you will want to do them.
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    Create In Me A Pure Heart Lord ( Psalm:51)

    I agree, Dusty. If we have the spirit of God/Christ, the rest will take care of itself. (Not saying the Christian life will be easy). Sometimes it is difficult to maintain our focus on what he wants us to do, especially in this busy world. However, that is our job as God's children and he...