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  1. M

    Is sickness a blessing?

    I base my views on verses like this: Job 2:3 And the Lord said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil? and still he holdeth fast his integrity, although thou movedst me...
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    Is sickness a blessing?

    God took credit for afflicting Job, a man God commended to the devil for being a good man.
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    ChatGPT is an Open Source AI

    I do not believe AI is a threat to workers seeking jobs.
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    Is sickness a blessing?

    In ancient times when God was displeased with His people because of their sin, He sent things like war and disease upon them and took credit for doing so.
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    What Does It Mean That God Desires All People To Be Saved?

    Calvinists believe God chooses to condescend to love some people but the default position is that He hates all people in general and only choses to change His feelings towards those He decides to make likeable.
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    Is sickness a blessing?

    I believe we must accept that God allows those He loves to get sick, not that He makes those He loves to get sick. My wife and I lost a very young child no long after he was born. I believe God allowed it more than caused it.
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    Ball Earth conundrums

    I must confess I find that video lacking scientific persuasion.
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    Ball Earth conundrums

    I don't have enough imagination to even begin to accept the idea that the sun rotates inside the earth.
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    ChatGPT is an Open Source AI

    Yes, we are standing on the threshold of the great tribulation that is to come upon the earth just prior to Jesus' return to the Mount of Olives.
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    Is sickness a blessing?

    There are many major lessons in Job, including, but certainly not limited to: 1. Christians should never complain about anything in life because God is in charge of all circumstances and He knows what he is doing. 2. No Christian should think troubles, sicknesses, diseases, losses, or other...
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    ChatGPT is an Open Source AI

    As long as God continues to feed sparrows, He will also continue to provide work for His children.
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    Is sickness a blessing?

    God does love His children so much that He chastens them, tests them, rebukes them, reproves them, and inflicts them with pain as necessary for their growth.
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    ChatGPT is an Open Source AI

    Robots replacing people at work is not a realistic threat. Robots controlling people is. Besides, if robots replace people then whose labor will be taxed? Will people not be able to live lives of ease, comfort, idleness, and whatever else (debauchery?) if robots take their jobs? No, nothing...
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    Is sickness a blessing?

    Nick Vujicic introduces new questions about Christian sicknesses and disabilities.
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    Is sickness a blessing?

    Those who claim God has given them the power to heal others tend to discount that gift when they also claim their power to heal does not work except on those with amazing faith. So who really has the power, the healer or the person with enough faith to be healed?
  16. M

    Is sickness a blessing?

    There is a sickness unto death, as seen in this example: 2 Kings 13:14 Now Elisha was fallen sick of his sickness whereof he died. And Joash the king of Israel came down unto him, and wept over his face, and said, O my father, my father, the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof. And...
  17. M

    Is sickness a blessing?

    There are many lessons taught in Job about many things.
  18. M

    Is sickness a blessing?

    Job was written for our learning, for our understanding, for our encouragement, for our enlightenment, for our growth, for our comfort, and for Job's benefit.
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    Is sickness a blessing?

    Trials such as sicknesses come to all Christians as they grow. If there are those who claim they have no chastening of the Lord then they need to redouble their efforts to check out whether they are truly saved or not.
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    Is sickness a blessing?

    The remaining question then is why do modern Christians not have the power to heal the sick?