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  1. Z

    Instant Breakthrough!

    Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I had had a caffeine addiction or at least withdrawal for weeks now. I have been and still am taking a vitamin with 200 MG of caffeine. I have been resorting to every non-caffeine stimulant that I can get my hands on (eg, Siberian ginseng, non-caffeinated...
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    Question about Communion

    Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Does communion have special powers? Or can it? Is it supposed to, even sometimes? I have heard a preacher say that it does, and I have heard testimonies of healing and deliverance from people who have taken it, even if multiple times. Personally, I...
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    Question about Experience

    Proverbs 25:11 "He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed"
  4. Z

    Question about Experience

    Thanks for responding, Y'all! Bless you!
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    Question about Experience

    Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I went forward to be prayed for at church this morning. I asked for the salvation of my loved ones and for their finances, including my finances. When I sat down, I was suddenly not hyper but very calm and peaceful with some joy. But I am usually hyper...
  6. Z

    What can you do if you’re a non-elect?

    I'm partially Calvinist, Arminian, and Provisionist, and, even in my experience, if we wait around all day to become elect, we might be sorely disappointed. Been there, done that. Very wise answer, Brother!
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    God's Miraculous Breakthrough at Shameless, Persistent Prayer

    Thank you for your prayers and letting me know God's mighty movements cheered you up!
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    God's Miraculous Breakthrough at Shameless, Persistent Prayer

    Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I had gone to my new church home, XR Crossroads. I had boldly asked God for breakthrough in my pagan best friend roommate. I had the prayer team pray for him. Days later, my pagan friend tells me, "I actually believe and think Yahweh and Jesus are real." He...
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    The 'ELECT' vs 'Free-Choice'

    Hello Brothers and Sisters! I wholeheartedly agree with the above post of John 6! I have researched and read much on this matter. I think the debate is fascinating! I grew up Nazarene, which is Arminian, but later drifted toward Calvinism. Then, I watched a lot of videos on Provisionism on...
  10. Z

    There's no "The One"

    Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Hello, I hope all is well. If not, I welcome you to message me, that I may lift you up. I am saddened and hurt by the frustration, upsets, and hurt that I see here. I have been single all my life, so I understand. I have been searching for "The One" myself...