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  1. HoneyBee

    nwhat are your views on tattoos?

    I do not believe there is anything wrong with tattoos but they are just way too permanent. I have never been permanent. I have always bounced from home to home. Permanent is just something I do not believe I can do successfully. Even if I like something now, there is no guaranty I would always...
  2. HoneyBee

    4 views of Mark 16:16

    This is all very confusing. Is there a point to this argument?
  3. HoneyBee


    The only one who can forgive our sins is God so that is the only one we need to go to. The only exception I can think of is: if our sin is against someone else. If my sin hurts someone else, I believe I should go to the one I hurt and ask forgiveness too but I think that is why God gave us a...
  4. HoneyBee

    Should Christians be allowed to own a gun legally?

    I never conceal it and see no reason for anyone to do so. My whole point was: I can not see any reason why I would ever aim it at another person and it can not accidentally harm another person either.
  5. HoneyBee

    Should Christians be allowed to own a gun legally?

    I do not need a gun; I can put an arrow where I want it very accurately and my bow never goes off accidentally. ;)
  6. HoneyBee


    I admire you! You got involved with things you should not have gotten involved with. True. BUT, I see absolutely the correct response in you and in the way you responded to it: guilt, shame and sorrow are hard on us. However, they are great teachers and your response to them is admirable. We...
  7. HoneyBee

    Is it okay to be friends w. the LGBTQ+ community?

    Pretty simple for me... Hanging out with people who promote those things gives me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. So, it is obviously wrong for me.
  8. HoneyBee

    Society as a whole has a deep hatred for anything teenage girls like, why?

    Does it really matter what other people think when it comes down to what is important to us? I have never been one of the popular girls and I never wanted to be one. From what I have seen, being one comes with way too much compromise. Therefore, I just do NOT care what other people think of the...
  9. HoneyBee


    The trees here are all sagging from the weight of the snow they are holding. I think that actually helps the trees by taking out all of the dead branches. It is beautiful though... and the snow keeps coming. :LOL:
  10. HoneyBee


    Actually we have had a strangely mild winter, but weatherman apparently says we are going to get hit hard after which we will then have 6-8 inches all at once. Unfortunately it will be accompanied by winds of 40-60 mph. This is one time I hope he is wrong. I love snow and I am very cold hearty...
  11. HoneyBee


    In order to enjoy snow and cold weather you have to get interactive with it: activities like skiing, skating, tobogganing, King of the Hill, ice fishing, dog-sledding, build a snowman, or get together with friends and build a couple of snow forts and enjoy a snowball fight. The only limit is...
  12. HoneyBee

    What is your opinion on video games?

    It was not you. I got carried away trying to help. Sorry :(
  13. HoneyBee

    What is your opinion on video games?

    I think maybe I am just poor at explaining. I am no video game expert at all which is why in the beginning I told everyone my game performance is kind of embarrassing. Just know that in addition to the levels you earn, you can purchase 5 more skill levels in addition to what you earn with each...
  14. HoneyBee

    What is your opinion on video games?

    I think we found the reason your levels seem low. :LOL: Yes, you get the levels you earned but you forfeit ALL of the skills levels you could have purchased from the skill level slots that come with each level up. Let's say at level 1 you use your sword and you gain one level in one handed...
  15. HoneyBee

    What is your opinion on video games?

    Sorry it took me so long getting back to you but I felt I could answer better if I first tried out what you were telling me. Yes, I can beat on Ralof or Hadvar and affect my game by doing so but I would not use this method. In my opinion, they will never patch your ability to do this because it...
  16. HoneyBee

    What is your opinion on video games?

    I really enjoy most of the Anniversary Edition add-ons - probably 80% I use all the time. I am hooked lol. My favorite house came with it. My favorite arrows too and so many crossbows. Arrows follow a parabolic flight pattern. Bolts are higher velocity and it covers a lot of ground before they...
  17. HoneyBee

    What is your opinion on video games?

    I do not use any followers. If I do it is for a specific purpose and then send them home right after. I do use them as stewards for the houses I build. I enjoy playing as a stealth archer too and they ALWAYS give me away. They seem to set off all possible traps as well. I can not seem to be...
  18. HoneyBee

    What is your opinion on video games?

    Sorry, I messed this up too. :oops: I am glad to find that someone else enjoys it like I do. You do not really need to play the same material over and over if you do not want to. Aim anywhere and just go. I do not just do what they expect me to do. Helgen is the ONLY thing I really need to do...
  19. HoneyBee

    What is your opinion on video games?

    My gaming skills are embarrassing so I like the games that I can play by myself. Friends tried to get me to play Fortnite with them online but I was horrible at it. It was basically just a game where everybody is trying to kill everybody else. NO FUN! I always got killed right away which was not...