I had to go....kids were needing me. I am sure there will be lots online from this part of the world that would be more than happy to help you test. Talk to you another time.
Hey Robo just stoped buy to say hi and thank you for a awsum Christian site... I've meet alot of cool people from all over the world and made alot of friends.. I think it is amazing the we live in a time were you can share the love of christ to someone on the other side of the plant.. Truely a blessing.. Well any way love the site if there is anything I can do to help just let me know.. Ryan AKA Saved2DBone....
i checked this from FAQ
What if I don't want anyone to see my reputation?
You can disable the display of your reputation by going to your Control Panel and selecting Edit Options. On this page you will find a check box labelled 'Show Your Reputation Level'. Un-checking this box will remove the display of your reputation and replace it with the Reputation Disabled icon. You can still give and receive reputation while your reputation display is disabled
the 'show your reputation level' is not on the control panel.., are we allowed to do that?
Happy New Year and GBU.Keep doing the good job. and plz update my photo on penplas.ty
Hey Robo Thanks for making this site SUPER COOL and fun! I appreicate all you do to help us stay connected to awesome women and men of faith!
Hey robo.Hope u r fine in Jesus Christ. i know dat u r vry bz but from ur precious time i need 10minuts for my account on christianpenpals.com. i have send the penpals add with my photo and free membership request from the email id ashershafi@live.com almost 2days before. plz plz update my account with my pic on the site by giving me authorization to be a
part of penpals.everyday i saw people become part of penpals and i wish that i too join it. ill w8 for ur rply in my visitors msg. thanking you in anticipation. asher