GRACE_ambassadorPrecious friend, Larry, sorry to hear about the 'confusion.' Please explain, scientifically, two of the logical 'inconsistencies' you find 'troubling' to further my understanding of what you are saying, if you please?
Rhonda91Not necessarily Larry. As you hold a scientific view and belief, it will be difficult to accept the theology and history of Christianity, and understand the concept of "God". I know because I am Neurology major from Stanford, and also have a scientific background. When it comes to Christianity, you have to start out slow, and begin reading the New Testament to familiarize yourself with what Christianity is.
Rhonda91Additionally, you need to be in fellowship with other Christians (Believers), and attend a church. It is not essentially necessary or required. However it will make your Spiritual Journey easier in that you will hear the word of God preached and taught which will edify and expand your thinking. That is what worked for me. I was raised by Pagan parents and didn't know God until I was in my early 20s.