It's actually very interesting to follow along with both the EU and Russian reaction in the news about this. At the end of ww2 Germany and the Axis nations were under the terms of unconditional surrender to the Allied nations
including the USSR and also included Germany's disarmament. And so it's one thing for the US to say Germany should rearm themselves along with the EU but to Russia it's a violation of the agreement they all signed after the surrender. Russia began shifting into a wartime economy as far back as 2012 if not before and is currently at 7.5% of it's GDP. China has been doing the same and now the EU. In the US we just passed a bill that contained a massive increase in military funding.
These were all the signs the nations missed leading up to WW2 when Hitler began secret production of tanks in the USSR and altering civilian vessels to so they could be converted to war vessels quickly and Japan increased their steel imports. Governments only increase military spending to the rates Russia, the US, the EU and China are if they are planning to go to war or if they see need to defend themselves from attack because they see someone else building up for war. These are the same signs that many historians suggest were missed before WW2 began.