that is quite the responsible posting Suze. very respectable & caring of you! modern communication via f.b., cel phones, twitter (x), instagram, etc. is a catastrophic epidemic & disaster. especially when 2 people are talking & i disappears after being asked a question. & then, said person may not respond for weeks!!! holy heavens! by course, people are excused when working or tasking, but when you ask a question & some disappears, that's crummy. i perform well with these people. i never talk to them again. perfect example; last August, a friend called me & wanted to initiate a band. he's a decent guitarist & sings good enough. so we explored opportunities. i placed the ads. 1 day, i called him & asked how it went with a certain bass player. he said, "i don't want to play with him because he didn't respond". i said to him, "carl, i asked you a question this a.m. when we were conversing & you didn't answer me back". he says, "well,. i'll answer when i get a chance". hahaha! double standard!!! still, it occurred a 2nd time with someone else!!! then, on another situation, another bassist who's really good, told me he didn't want to play with with carl in a band because he's to authoritative. so this guy really wants to be in a band but he destroys opportunities thru the double standard. he even travels to other cities looking for band work. we all have our top 10 things in life we dislike the most. someone disappearing in a conversation is on my list. truly, i never talk to them unless it's something of an emergency. imagine years ago when 2 people were talking on land line phones; there was never someone disappearing then. it was always 1 person who was the 1st to say "bye" & then the other, no disrespect or waiting & wondering!!!