I was led out of a Sunday box over 20 years ago. Since then many of us meet together at our homes or in a rented building. As an elder in the area, I connect with many of the saints multiple times a week. If we can't meet personally, I use Zoom to gather everyone together. COVID really didn't disrupt us at all. We were able to obey the law of the land about limited gatherings and still have rich fellowship. Most fellowship is outside of the larger meetings, however. Not meeting in the same space did not affect our connection with others.
All who gather with us are believers. Unbelievers are not welcome to our gatherings. Instead, the saints who have relationships with unbelievers are responsible for leading them to Christ... if they want to be led to Christ.
Silly arguments from box-attenders often arise like "If you don't have a building or sign how are those who are seeking know where to go?" When saints love one another as Christ loves us then the world will know that we are His children. That's how our numbers have increased: people seeking the Truth ask about the hope that is in us, so we tell them our story... which is His story.
When all of us who walk this way connect to Zoom for a gathering (we do this about every two months) households of faith span the globe: Australia, New Zealand, Ukraine, Kenya, South Africa, Brazil, Canada, Israel, etc. Of course, there are many in the US too. There are also many in the Middle East and China but restrictions there prevent traditional connections.
Several years ago a young pastor, from a traditional denomination, came to me seeking help. He was a friend to a believer I knew very well and walked with. The Lord gave me a word of knowledge about him and a word of healing for him. The Lord also gave me an additional word of warning regarding his current job at a Sunday box. He initially received the word but the denomination offered him an advancement with a pay increase. He took it. Now, he and the whole box are embroiled in a scandal. When we cross paths the guy can barely look at me.
Another pastor, having just heard why we do what we do said "I believe everything you said, but it's not Lutheran."

I mean, this is how stuck people are in their denominations!