The problem with us humans and I include myself in this , is that we live by our physical senses , sight sound taste smell touch . We r physical beings and as such we r affected deeply by our physical surroundings . We must try to remember that we r never alone for one second . God's love surrounds us , totally , all day every day . So many times I have been worried about something pertaining to this physical life and my physical surroundings , I should know better than that by now . God has never let me down . In my darkest moments He has reminded me that I am in His hand and there is no better place to b . No matter how rough the road has been He has walked beside me and got me through it . Really seriously , all we have to do is trust Him . Rest in His love for you and in the peace you have because you know that u r His and He is with u . Isn't all about faith and trust , those r the things that He wants from us , for us to believe in Him and in His love for us and for us to trust in His mercy and generosity , care and provision for all our needs . Blessed r those who believe even though they have not seen ( with their eyes ) . If u look for Him , He is everywhere . The lady who was kind to u yesterday ? That was from Him , not from her . He is at work in your life right now . Trust Him please , there is nothing better we can give Him other than our total trust . He won't let u down .