I, like my recently deceased brother am a born again Christian in my 60s. My brother's funeral will be taking place within the next two weeks and one of our older, unbelieving siblings is insisting he is buried in the same grave as our mum. Are there any spiritual ramifications for this?
Thank you
Every blessing
First, welcome to the Forum.
Second, it doesn't really matter. The Catholics used to have all kinds of rules about being buried on hallowed ground, praying for deceased people, all that stuff and if you didn't follow their rules and pay for their services your dead relatives were condemned to spend thousands of years in purgatory before they were allowed to go to heaven.
But that's all horse crap. There's nothing at all in Bible about that.
After I die you could put my body in a wood chipper if you wanted. It would be rather gruesome, but it wouldn't affect me at all. I would be gone.
I heard one lady say that she didn't want one of those shared burial plots, where one person is buried 10 ft down and the other is buried 6 ft down on top. She said with her luck she would die first and be buried deeper, and her husband was not saved and she didn't want him getting in her way when she went to heaven.
But no, it doesn't matter. Once a person dies, all that could possibly matter to that person has already happened. After that the body is just a shell. You could bury it at sea, it wouldn't matter to the person who used to live in it.