The context is very clear what Jesus is talking about.
21Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
He never knew them.
Why did Jesus never know them?
Answer:. Because they were justifying themselves by their good works.
Making Jesus "Lord, prophesying in Jesus Name, casting out devil's in their deliverance ministries, and other many Wonderful
Those were what their faith was in for salvation. They ADDED faith in their own works to faith in Jesus, that's why He said they were
working iniquity.
He was talking about preachers who were trusting in not only avoiding the devil as you described, but casting out devil's. He says that He will say to you what?
I never knew you.
Have you ever told a lie?
I know that I have.
I appreciate your calm & cool response, I was not so friendly....I should be acting in love & planting seeds is all we can do, (&pray of course, lead by example if GOD WILL)
I will say this, although I should be using scripture as GOD'S WORD is as a Fire & a Hammer!
works is very much misunderstood, for claiming to go to heaven by ones many people actually say I am going to get into heaven for my good works? then you may say it is behind the scenes, and I might say when one says they do not live as the worse of us it is also implied (yet you did not do this)
.... I am talking about obedience to our KING.... faith without works is dead,,, works grows faith.... prayer grows belief,,,, fleshly definitions of belief will leave us lost..Spiritual understanding of belief will empower us by GODS MERCY....
I simply understand (gifted to me) that I must be obedient and not serve the devil... words in the Bible without Spiritual backing are just fleshly empty understanding..
how can my confusing words penetrate your fleshly armour ( do not be offended, it appears to be common ground)
Lex orandi, lex credendi
the rule of prayer is the rule of believe, or as we pray we believe.
echoed thru time from the early church
simply put no prayer no belief.. I suggest three hours a day..
and after a Month, & GODS GRACE IN understanding, then come and tell me this extreme gospel message you posted, of the most extreme brother... your videos hug the edge of the most liberal beliefs,,,
take care, I believe I am being called to vacate the premises, but it has been fun, and I hope to see you all on that Great Day....JESUS WILLING..
and to answer your question I am the chief sinner, I am the worst of us!
I hope to seek to obey, in works, and deeds to strengthen my faith,,,
yet on that day, nothing on my lips but hallelujah....(as the song says)
nothing but GODS GRACE & THE BLOOD of JESUS!
I will let you have the last word