I'm not sure what you're saying? My suggestion that you don't seem "open to correction" was simply pointing out the fact you said you were "sure" you're right on this matter. And I'm perfectly willing to hear you explain what makes you so "sure," and if I heard you right about what you think you're sure about.
Are you saying you're sure about who is "taken" and who is "left," that this has to do with the 2nd Coming and not with the Roman invasions of 66-70 AD? That's what I'd like clarity on--not continue with the extracurricular rhetoric.
Telling me to "do myself a favor" and to "not get lost in stupidity" will not promote unity and understanding. But for me to suggest that it is unwise to say you"re "sure" of something, when in my view you're not--that is not intended as an insult. I consider it wise to guide myself in this way, to suggest something "may or may not" be true when I know that others are convinced otherwise with some reasonable arguments.
In other words, why not discuss the matters that convince you, rather than just argue that you're "sure" of something? After all, you may have good arguments, but someone else may have arguments you haven't heard before that are stronger than yours and go a completely different directiton. God can introduce new ideas if we let Him.
Part of what I am saying to you is - "we are in agreement, let us not argue" - do you not see that?
I am not "arguing" anything. I am merely stating what I believe with confidence. Can you accept that?
If we are both saying the same thing - then, let us get beyond it and have a more productive discussion.
The "do yourself a favor" bit was not intended as an insult of any kind; rather, it was a "heads-up" reminder that - in social site environments - for some reason, people tend to make rash assumptions about the posts of other people that quote something they said in an earlier post. I called it 'stupid' to illustrate how "silly" and "unjustified" it was - considering that it is simply not true that when you are quoted it means something 'negative' towards you or what you said in your post. I was
not calling
you 'stupid' - I was referring to what seems to happen "at the drop of a hat - any hat" as being 'stupid'.
Did you jump to a conclusion concerning what I actually meant? See how quickly that happens when we are not careful in our interpretation of what other people write in their posts? (When we make assumptions about what they wrote.)
I believe the "advice" to "never ever ever assume" any "negativity" in a post unless it is explicit in the post is very good advice. If everyone followed it, it would no-doubt minimize unnecessary misunderstanding in communication.
A person can be "sure" about something and still be open for correction.
I am quite "sure" that I am a born-again Christian according to the gospel.
If someone wants to convince me otherwise, they better have a really good argument...
I was raised in church with the 'pretrib' teaching. I afterward came to the conclusion that is was a false teaching.
Am I open to correction on this? Sure. But, you better have one incredibly good argument - because,
I do not see any support for it whatsoever in the Bible.
Moreover - because I was taught it - and understand it very well - I understand
why others believe it - and,
why they are in error while not realizing it.
"Been there and done that."
And, a person who has seen both sides -
and believed it - is likely (but not absolutely) to be in a better position to compare the two and reach a proper conclusion.
I am quite sure about a lot of things. Does that mean I am not open to correction? Of course not. I just know what I believe and am confident in it.
Believe-it-or-not - whenever I discover that I am in error - my "believe system" is immediately corrected/updated with whatever I have discovered to be true - and, I hold to that from that time forward...
I have noticed that people sometimes like to "target" others as if what I described in the previous paragraph never ever happens with other people.
This is just useless rhetoric.
Do not ever act on the assumption that everything you think and say is correct and good and righteous and and and ... while everything others think and say are wrong and bad and sinful and and and ...
People need to swallow their pride and just have a conversation with others.
They need to stay on topic and not get off topic by shifting the focus onto the folks who make posts.
Do not start arguments with people who mostly agree with you - especially if 'mostly' means a high percentage - no one is perfect or has it all figured out. Let it go. Be happy that they are in agreement with you.
Do not nitpick every little detail - especially if it is not pertinent to the discussion.
Do not assume that - because you are not the one who said it - that it has no merit.
And, what I mean by this is - the idea does-or-does-not have merit regardless of who says it -
not - because you did-or-did-not say it first.
Just have a conversation. Try to keep the focus on the ideas being conveyed. And, do not let yourself be distracted away from it.
No one is going to agree with you 100% all of the time - just accept it and do not let it distract you from the conversation.
And, I am saying all of this in general - speaking to the crowd - not really trying to target you with it - just feel it needs to be said.
Waaaaaaaaaay too many posts are "wasted" because people get caught up in assumptions about what others meant in their posts.
The only assumption that should be made about others posts is that - unless there is something explicit in what they say that determinately indicates otherwise - the post is at worst neutral and at best positive.
I believe this to be good advice worth considering.
Of course - I would rather discuss the topic itself - you are the one who seems to be "bent out of shape" over the fact that I am "sure" about what I believe.
Are you "sure" about what you believe?
If so - why in the world would you make such a big deal about me being "sure" about what I believe.
I think you are letting your pride throw you into the rhetoric gutter - so that you feel like you "have the upper hand" in the discussion.
Do not listen to your pride. Do not let yourself fall into that crap. Just have a conversation about the thread topic or issue-at-hand.
Some people like to suggest that others need to be "open to correction" while never admitting themselves that they are [actually] "open to correction" also.
It will help things expeditiously if I see you actually specifically admit in a post that you are open to correction.
I have freely admitted that I am open to correction.
Because, I do not believe that I cannot possibly be in error. However, I
do have confidence in what I believe -
that it is correct - unless-and-until I discover that I am in error - in which case, I will "self-correct" and move forward with a 'joy' that I have a better understanding of the truth. However - as a rule - I am
never readily convinced that I am in error just because someone suggests it.
(So - all of that kind of talk is simply useless and does nothing but waste effort and time and words and posts...)
I will assume for the moment that you truly wish to discuss the actual matter at hand without continuing the 'extracurricular rhetoric' - and, will proceed on that assumption - "we shall see"...
I am willing to explain my convictions and understanding as long as others keep
that in focus and not stray from it onto other needless stuff.
You said that you "may disagree" - I said that I "most-definitely disagree" -
what in the world makes you think that I am not "sure" about what I said in my statement?
However, I do understand your "may or may not" statement. And, in a lot of cases, I will agree that it is the best approach. However, there is nothing wrong with stating with confidence what you believe.
I try to keep folks reminded that anything they read in someone's post should simply be considered to be an opinion. Folks should not let a mere statement made by someone else in a post come across as being absolute - just regard it as being their opinion - do not get "bent out of shape" over it. Let it be what it is - and consider it to be an opinion. It does not mean that it is an automatic rejection of whatever you might have to say.
In answer to your second paragraph question...
As I said before - I believe the "taken"/"left" idea/illustration in the passage is clearly and plainly intrinsically tied to the Second Coming by virtue of the actual wording of the passage itself.
If you would like a more in-depth explanation - let me know.