Please tell us, if you would be so kind, exactly who came "waltzing in" here with the types of announcements that you described/alleged? I know, of a certainty, that it wasn't me, and, from what I have read in this thread, it wasn't anybody else, either.
Like it or not, the OP has behaved himself like a petulant and immature hypocrite on this thread. In other words, from the get-go, he has not only been unreasonably and childishly ill-tempered towards other members here, but then, as his crowning achievement, he had the audacity to portray himself as the victim here instead of as the great offender that he truly is.
I cannot speak on the behalf of the other members here that he has mistreated, but I will give a very quick, and far from exhaustive, recap of my initial dealings with this poster.
For starters, he asked the open-ended question "What are you mad at God for?," and I answered thusly.
As any objective person can easily see, I did not "waltz in" here with an announcement of how I never even WANTED to be mad at God, nor did I utter the standard happity-clappity "Smile, you have no reason to be angry!" platitude that you mentioned, nor did I utter anything even remotely related to what you called modern churchianity's "fake it until we make it" suggestion. Instead, I honestly told him, right off the bat, that my life has been anything but easy, but rather very hard instead, and that God was not to blame for any of it. I then placed the blame where it truly belonged, and part of that blame was upon myself.
His response?
Tell us, what word or words do you suppose he intended those dashes to represent? I will tell you what he meant. He told me to move the F*CK along. There was nothing unreasonably ill-tempered (petulant) or childish (immature) in that response, right?
At the same time that he posted that (just check the timestamps), I was posting this.
In other words, I was sincerely and politely seeking to gain some insight into his situation so that I might possibly help him.
His response?
He answered my question with a question. Personally, I would normally be okay with that because, in fairness to him, he does not know either me or my intentions, so I believe that, at that time, it was a fair question for him to ask. However, as our dialogue (more of a monologue where he spewed venom at others) continued, I asked him, more than once, and after explaining my motivations for asking, what exactly he has been praying for, and, of course, he never answered me.
Please tell us how anyone could truly offer him insight in relation to his problem, as you rightly suggested that we should, when he won't even tell anybody exactly what the problem is?
Anyhow, when I saw his response where he basically told me to F*CK OFF, I rightly said the following.
His response?You know, there was only one member here who agreed with his ridiculous response, and that one member was YOU. Please tell us why he was justified in telling somebody who was only trying to help him that I should go find another super happy pre-destination thread or something? For starters, he is totally ignorant of my beliefs surrounding predestination (and I have publicly voiced those beliefs on this forum). On top of that, as usual, he behaved himself like a petulant child.
Why would you agree with him?
You are not obligated to answer, but if you are going to pass around your judgments on others here, then please give an account of your own actions.
Thank you.
Please do not wrongly think that I am being passively aggressive in this post. Tone can easily be read into an online post where it was never intended. I genuinely would like to know the answers to the questions that I asked here. Did I ask them in a straightforward manner? Yes, I did, but not in an intended "aggressive" manner. I am just pretty direct. I hope that is okay.