Keep it light and don't discuss past relationships at this the first date.
My post above wasn't meant to be sarcastic, but I realize it came off that way.
I meant it very literally.
These kinds of issues are not prescribed in scripture.
Because it isn't necessary.
1.) In Biblical times there wasn't any "dating"... so there certainly wouldn't be directives on it.
2.) The Bible DOES give general principles for general conduct... that's enough to cover all normal interactions.
3.) God doesn't have to teach humans how to be attracted to each other, or how to like people we like... he designed us so those things come naturally.
4.) Finally, consider the purpose:
If we consider the purpose of a date in our culture (at least for a christian) is to have a time to "be yourself" and get to know the other person... then it needn't have any kind of blueprint or affectation at all. It's just a time to talk and get to know each other. So just talk. Whatever the other person talks about, good or bad, that allows you to get to know them. So just talk, and listen. See what you think of the other person. That's all.