To be completely homest me and my family are going through a lot right now, and I think it will reallh build up my faith if I can read real experiences of God intervening to know that God can and will come through for me too. Thanks everyone
Many years ago, I had no money. None. I was not going to eat for many days until I got paid. I had no credit card as I never imagined that I'd need one and they were not so common then. I prayed and told God if He didn't come through, I would starve. The next day, there was a cheque in the mail for nearly a week's wage.
The cheque was repayment of a excess charge from an accident 6 months before. It was not my fault. The insurance company had told me that if the driver at fault paid up, I would be refunded. But if I had heard nothing in 6 weeks, I was getting nothing. So I assumed the money was a loss.
It could be dismissed as coincidence. There is no such thing. God is even is small things. It had rained non stop for weeks (the good old days now when we are so drought prone). The kids were going nuts. I took the wife and kids to a place where there is usually little rain. There was 90 mm (3-1/2") in an hour. I did not want to disappoint the kids, so I asked God for a break. Immediately there was a break in the clouds. About 2 hours later, the clouds built up again so we got back in the car and went home.
We visited an historic mansion. It reminded me of England and I had a touch of nostalgia. I said I'd like to see the place in England again. Not a fervent prayer, just that it would be nice. We had four kids, so no money for overseas trips.
Later that year, during the English summer, work sent me there for some training. I was away for 3 weeks. It was the only time during the year that there were no family birthdays, anniversary or other events where I should have been home. I had one free weekend. I was able to see the place I wanted to see and some other sights as well.
There is no such thing as coincidence. God is real, He loves us and He wants us to know Him. Ensure that you have no unconfessed sin, then come in Jesus name. What He's done for millions of others countless times, He will do for you.