That was obvious from your first reply. I'll be direct.
I don't believe your claim of having attended a Bible college and graduating with honors.
Those who have actually done so are not ashamed to give its name.
I graduated with honors, yes.
After graduation I then discovered the pastor teacher who could teach in one hour more than most could teach in a year.
Bible college (not seminary) is only foundational.
Bible colleges were popping up in the 70's and 80's.
There were actually churches that actually systematically taught the Word of God, be it, correctly or not.
Would you like to also know the elementary school I attended as a boy?
I would much rather talk about a pastor-teacher who made corrections to some of the things I learned in Bible college.
He was a literal travelling seminary.
Billy Graham asked him to mentor him. Hal Lindsay and Chuck Swindoll were members of his congregation.
He was invited to give classes at universities and colleges.
His students were anywhere from high school graduates to professors!
Deep teaching when learned by grace gives one a perspicacity that exceeds beyond their normal human limitations.
And? By invite. He even gave a conference at MIT.
Yet, the average guy on the street also found themselves able to understand what they knew they could not have if it
depended upon their natural IQ. You know its by grace when that happens!
Take your pick of any Bible college in those days.... Its only a maternity ward.
Let's just say it was your Bible college.
Why not?