Hey Everyone,
I recently spent time with friends who have a good-natured girls vs. guys rivalry between some friends at church. This time, it was the girls' turn to get back at the guys -- and several ideas for funny (but harmless) pranks were discussed.
This got me thinking -- What kinds of things get men absolutely shaking in their boots? Out of all the things they might encounter in the world, what would be the most likely to have a man's suspenders twisted up in knots?
This thread is meant to be humorous fun -- serious answers are welcome too, but the original intent is to hopefully give the reader a good chuckle.
And for anyone wondering, any pranks that may or may not have been committed did NOT cause anyone any undue harm or grief. There was no cleaning up, no timely or costly aftermath, and no property or possessions were altered in any way that would be of true nuisance to the victim, er, object of gentle, deserving payback.
However, the discussion of what COULD be done was quite hilarious, thus inspiring the idea for this thread. 
The poll will be multiple choice and just for fun, we'll be able to see what everyone answers. And since the poll has a limited amount of possible answers, come on back to the thread and tell us about your own!
I'd also like to hear about why our gentlemen friends fear certain things and what previous experience they've had with them (egging stories, anyone?)
Ladies are also welcome to answer with what and why they think men fear certain things, along with any stories they might have of men they know encountering said things.
So... Step right up and tell us -- What Do Men Fear Most?! And Why?
I recently spent time with friends who have a good-natured girls vs. guys rivalry between some friends at church. This time, it was the girls' turn to get back at the guys -- and several ideas for funny (but harmless) pranks were discussed.
This got me thinking -- What kinds of things get men absolutely shaking in their boots? Out of all the things they might encounter in the world, what would be the most likely to have a man's suspenders twisted up in knots?
This thread is meant to be humorous fun -- serious answers are welcome too, but the original intent is to hopefully give the reader a good chuckle.
And for anyone wondering, any pranks that may or may not have been committed did NOT cause anyone any undue harm or grief. There was no cleaning up, no timely or costly aftermath, and no property or possessions were altered in any way that would be of true nuisance to the victim, er, object of gentle, deserving payback.
The poll will be multiple choice and just for fun, we'll be able to see what everyone answers. And since the poll has a limited amount of possible answers, come on back to the thread and tell us about your own!
I'd also like to hear about why our gentlemen friends fear certain things and what previous experience they've had with them (egging stories, anyone?)
Ladies are also welcome to answer with what and why they think men fear certain things, along with any stories they might have of men they know encountering said things.
So... Step right up and tell us -- What Do Men Fear Most?! And Why?
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