Here's a little tip. If you want people to interact with you and answer questions, be nicer and friendlier. As long as you act like some sort of inquisitor or prosecuting attorney, all you're doing is badgering.
Nevertheless, I'll reply while ignoring the more personal aspects of your inquiry.
As I've posted here a few times already, I've been a registered independent my entire adult life. For most of that time I voted a split ticket, because I don't vote for parties, I vote for candidates.
So you're asking about LGBTQs. My view is that we live in America, where we all have the freedom and liberty to live as we see fit, which comes with the understanding that it will include some people choosing to live in ways that you might not like.
On abortion, because of my charity work and some other things I've seen some pregnancies that have gone horribly wrong, which has put the families in truly horrific positions. After having seen those first-hand, I do not agree that the government should dictate such decisions to families.
Abortion is a terrible thing, so my focus is on getting them to the lowest number we can. Bans do not accomplish that, as we've seen since the overturning of RvW (abortions have increased). The data shows that what actually works to significantly reduce abortions are things like comprehensive sex ed (reduces unwanted pregnancies), access to contraception, prenatal care, a strong social safety net, etc.
I supported the bipartisan immigration reform bill that Sen. Lankford (R-OK) developed, and Trump ordered the House to not allow to come to a vote (because he needs immigration to still be an issue for his campaign).
LOL. I support the student loan relief efforts. Cracking down on price gouging is not "communist price setting". I don't support the money for new home buyers.
I suggest you work on conversing with people and try and be more personable and friendly.
Okay so you agree with Democrats on everything, even when it goes against God, yet aren't a democrat. You're just neutral right? An independent that agrees with one side on every issue and hates the other side. Okay. Also I'm sorry you read anger into my post. Just because I shoot strait and don't buy your lukewarm positions doesn't make me angry. I'm just calling a spade a spade.
I do appreciate you almost answering these questions with half hearted courage, but know you only did so because I put your back against the wall, but really you showed your whole hand here. You just hate Trump so much you're willing to go full leftist and side with the God hating cowardly Democrat party. Let's dig down into your answers here.
"So you're asking about LGBTQs. My view is that we live in America, where we all have the freedom and liberty to live as we see fit, which comes with the understanding that it will include some people choosing to live in ways that you might not like."
Cool I agree, but this completely ignores the real problem about indoctrinating young children with these sexual subjects in school and even worse altering the natural maturation of them through chemicals and surgeries after teaching they they were born wrong. No one is trying to tell gay adults what to do, or ban them. The concern is ALL about what they're doing to the kids and you completely skipped over that, not surprisingly.
"Abortion is a terrible thing, so my focus is on getting them to the lowest number we can. Bans do not accomplish that, as we've seen since the overturning of RvW (abortions have increased). The data shows that what actually works to significantly reduce abortions are things like comprehensive sex ed (reduces unwanted pregnancies), access to contraception, prenatal care, a strong social safety net, etc."
Why is it terrible? So terrible we should keep doing it? So we should sacrifice as few kids as possible? I guess that makes you super Christian huh? You think that's Jesus position on killing the unborn He knew before they were conceived? It's a half hearted opinion trying to save face. Also Trump is not pushing for abortion ban, and you are also very wrong about bans not accomplishing that. If abortion is banned it will stop 100% of legal abortions. And what you're supporting with that side is abortions on demand for any reason up to birth and sometimes after. So again you skip the main point and address a strawman.
"I supported the bipartisan immigration reform bill that Sen. Lankford (R-OK) developed, and Trump ordered the House to not allow to come to a vote (because he needs immigration to still be an issue for his campaign) "
Okay?? So you supported the immigration bill that did nothing at all to stop the waves of people crossing the boarder. Did you read the bill? It was hot garbage that wouldn't have made a dimes worth of difference in the problem. Good for you. I'm not impressed or convinced.
" I support the student loan relief efforts. Cracking down on price gouging is not "communist price setting". I don't support the money for new home buyers. "
Wow. Are you really this ignorant? You think gouging is why prices are up? Do you think her proposed price fixing would solve the problem? It never has before when tried, in fact it has the opposite affect and causes hyper inflation.
And the reason it's so hard to get a house these days is the interest rates. Giving a 25K handout does NOTHING at all about that issue. All it would do is drive the price of homes up that much more.
Not very convincing friend, and I don't know why you were so enraged about it. Maybe you should learn how to be nicer and talk to people better too. Your super sarcasm was noted as well, you may want to work on your anger and the style of your hyper passive aggressive tone.
So you didn't address any of my main points, side stepped them and addressed the strawmen of your own making, and still agree with every Democrat talking point. Yet are independent. I think you meant dependent on every far left talking point. Even so I do at least want to give credit for trying to answer, as half hearted as the answers were. Thanks buddy, and have a happy day.