I was in Japan in 2012, I would see the odd mask even in the summer. It is a sign of respect there if one feels ill and one has to go out to buy food they wear a mask.
They do not have large freezers where they can store food for months on end.
You know some societies are not so individualistic they think differently.
I do believe in predictive programming and often plainly obvious, however the cultural lens needs to be taken into account sometimes.
My question is now posed to you since you seem to support our Australian friend's comment.
I didn't know that Candid Camera and the people in the restaurant were Asian. I mistakenly had the idea that they were Americans of European decent for some strange reason.
Why do you think the people at the table creeped out by the mask wearing "asian" staff?
Since the YouTube censors flushed the video down the Orwellian memory hole, it's no longer available. You must have watched that short episode and remember seeing all of those Asians. Do you think they were Japanese. 🍜☺️
I do remember a mildly autistic man who worked at the supermarket yelling at me three times to put on a mask when I walked in, as everyone stared and wondered what the problem was.
In the freezer section, my Chinese neighbor greeted me with scorn, " WHY ARE YOU SO BAD???"