The Allegory of the old Jewish law and New law of Christ with Haggar and Sarah.
Galations 4:21-31
Paul starts out by saying that Abraham had 2 sons—one (Ishmael) by a bondwoman (Haggar) and another (Issac) by a free woman (Sarah). Sarah was Abraham’s wife. She was born free. But Sarah could not have children so, as the custom was in those days, she gave Abraham her servant as a wife so she could bear children for Abraham. Those children would be Sarah’s children because Haggar was Sarah’s servant. Sarah sought to have children by Haggar her servant maid. Hagar was like a surrogate mother for Sarah.
God had promised Abraham a son by Sarah, but it was taking a long time. I don’t know if Sarah didn’t believe God ( we know she laughed) or else she was trying to help God along. For this reason, Issac was called the “son of promise” because he had been promised by God. Ishmael, on the other hand was born by natural means of the flesh.
Now, right here, verse 24, Paul says these things are SYMBOLIC representing 2 covenants ( or laws). One of the covenants ( laws) had been given on Mt. Sinai by Moses. We know this to be the old Jewish law, including the 10 commandments., given by Moses. He says THIS represents Haggar—in fact he says, HAGAR IS MOUNT SINAI. and this law gives birth to bondage and it corresponds to Jerusalem which now is and in bondage. He’s talking about the Jewish people who still.are trying to be saved by keeping the old law; they have not been converted to Christ.
In verse 28- He says “we” (Christian’s) are like Issac—we are children of promise. And just like Ishmael persecuted Issac (see Genesis 21) so the Jews who are the children of the flesh, are still persecuting the children of promise today.
He says WHAT DOES THE SCRIPTURE SAY? It says, CAST OUT THE BONDWOMAN AND HER SON,; remember, in the beginning of this story he says he is talking about 2 laws or covenants. It’s SYMBOLIC. So the point he is really making is, “ cast out that old law”. He further says, we are not children of the BONDWOMAN ( the old Jewish law) but children of the free.(new law of Christ).
Stand fast, therefore, in the LIBERTY by which Christ has made us free. And do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.
Some of those Jewish Christians were still holding on to some of the laws in the old law. Paul tells them—don’t go back to that!! Christian’s today, beware. Trying to hold on to and obey the commandments in the old Jewish law, like keeping the 7th day and tithing, and keeping the 10 commandments, will cause you to “fall from grace Gal. 5:4
Let’s learn how to “rightly divide the word of God.” 2Tim. 2:15.
Galations 4:21-31
Paul starts out by saying that Abraham had 2 sons—one (Ishmael) by a bondwoman (Haggar) and another (Issac) by a free woman (Sarah). Sarah was Abraham’s wife. She was born free. But Sarah could not have children so, as the custom was in those days, she gave Abraham her servant as a wife so she could bear children for Abraham. Those children would be Sarah’s children because Haggar was Sarah’s servant. Sarah sought to have children by Haggar her servant maid. Hagar was like a surrogate mother for Sarah.
God had promised Abraham a son by Sarah, but it was taking a long time. I don’t know if Sarah didn’t believe God ( we know she laughed) or else she was trying to help God along. For this reason, Issac was called the “son of promise” because he had been promised by God. Ishmael, on the other hand was born by natural means of the flesh.
Now, right here, verse 24, Paul says these things are SYMBOLIC representing 2 covenants ( or laws). One of the covenants ( laws) had been given on Mt. Sinai by Moses. We know this to be the old Jewish law, including the 10 commandments., given by Moses. He says THIS represents Haggar—in fact he says, HAGAR IS MOUNT SINAI. and this law gives birth to bondage and it corresponds to Jerusalem which now is and in bondage. He’s talking about the Jewish people who still.are trying to be saved by keeping the old law; they have not been converted to Christ.
In verse 28- He says “we” (Christian’s) are like Issac—we are children of promise. And just like Ishmael persecuted Issac (see Genesis 21) so the Jews who are the children of the flesh, are still persecuting the children of promise today.
He says WHAT DOES THE SCRIPTURE SAY? It says, CAST OUT THE BONDWOMAN AND HER SON,; remember, in the beginning of this story he says he is talking about 2 laws or covenants. It’s SYMBOLIC. So the point he is really making is, “ cast out that old law”. He further says, we are not children of the BONDWOMAN ( the old Jewish law) but children of the free.(new law of Christ).
Stand fast, therefore, in the LIBERTY by which Christ has made us free. And do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.
Some of those Jewish Christians were still holding on to some of the laws in the old law. Paul tells them—don’t go back to that!! Christian’s today, beware. Trying to hold on to and obey the commandments in the old Jewish law, like keeping the 7th day and tithing, and keeping the 10 commandments, will cause you to “fall from grace Gal. 5:4
Let’s learn how to “rightly divide the word of God.” 2Tim. 2:15.
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