I bought a rather expensive electric trike. Today, it was assembled by an expert, who hails from Israel. We had an interesting conversation about events in the Middle East.
The trike is huge. It is far harder to ride than I expected. It's much different from two wheels, that's for sure. The idea of a trike is great. Extremely stable, the electric model has plenty of power and can carry up to 50 kg as well as the rider. However, the steering is hypersensitive and it is easy to forget how wide the rear track is. So if anyone is thinking of getting one, keep these points in mind. I have no doubt that I'll get the hang of it. Eventually..............
The trike is huge. It is far harder to ride than I expected. It's much different from two wheels, that's for sure. The idea of a trike is great. Extremely stable, the electric model has plenty of power and can carry up to 50 kg as well as the rider. However, the steering is hypersensitive and it is easy to forget how wide the rear track is. So if anyone is thinking of getting one, keep these points in mind. I have no doubt that I'll get the hang of it. Eventually..............
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