Yesterday, I attended my aunt's funeral; she was 86, and I was able to speak and memorialize her.
The Catholic priest who led the service said many things that I had to confront him about. His answers were very shocking and disappointing.
He said
1. there is no eternal punishment. That was old tradition God did not do eternal punishment as what was talk or interpreted in the old days
2. God is love, and he does get upset as even your own father would when you do something wrong, but you still get a gift for Christmas.
3. he said this coming November, get out all the pictures of your loved ones, and we will pray for all dead family members for the whole month of November.
After the service, I walked up to him and asked if I could speak with him, and he agreed.
I said you told all my family members there is no eternal punishment, and if there is none because of my sins, why did Jesus have to die?
If there is no payment needed to God for my sins, and IF there is no hell, why did Jesus have to die?
The Preist Told me there are many interpretations, but the Vatican changed it and the Pope.
I asked When Said in John 3:16 -19,
"16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.
18 “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil."
Was Jesus lying here?
The priest told me, "There are those who believe unless you ask Jesus to come into your heart as lord, you don't go to heaven; "
He then said to me as he looked all over the Cementry, "What do you say to all these dead people who are here in the place?"
I said, " I tell them Nothing"; "they are dead."
Their fate is sealed. They either came to know Jesus as Lord or they did not, and it is between them and God now that they are dead. We let the dead bury the Dead, as Jesus said.
The Priest then told me that was the old tradition.
I asked him if Jesus' words were authoritative when he was speaking. Jesus is God, right?
He said, "Yes, but there are many kinds of truth."
I told him Jesus said HE was the truth in John 14:6, and he said that as an imperative, meaning he is the only truth. Not a truth among many but the only one, the only way, and the only life. Who is going to tell all these people here of that Salvation, and why would they need it if there is no hell? And why would Jesus' death on the Cross mean anything if there is no need to be forgiven? The Preist told me, "They have you."
I told him it was your Job today. The priest told me to pray for him. I laughed, gave him a hug, and left.
There is a serious abandonment of the Gospel message today and a complete removal of the reason for Jesus' death. There needs to be a return to the fear of the Lord and holding to HIS word.
The Catholic priest who led the service said many things that I had to confront him about. His answers were very shocking and disappointing.
He said
1. there is no eternal punishment. That was old tradition God did not do eternal punishment as what was talk or interpreted in the old days
2. God is love, and he does get upset as even your own father would when you do something wrong, but you still get a gift for Christmas.
3. he said this coming November, get out all the pictures of your loved ones, and we will pray for all dead family members for the whole month of November.
After the service, I walked up to him and asked if I could speak with him, and he agreed.
I said you told all my family members there is no eternal punishment, and if there is none because of my sins, why did Jesus have to die?
If there is no payment needed to God for my sins, and IF there is no hell, why did Jesus have to die?
The Preist Told me there are many interpretations, but the Vatican changed it and the Pope.
I asked When Said in John 3:16 -19,
"16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.
18 “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil."
Was Jesus lying here?
The priest told me, "There are those who believe unless you ask Jesus to come into your heart as lord, you don't go to heaven; "
He then said to me as he looked all over the Cementry, "What do you say to all these dead people who are here in the place?"
I said, " I tell them Nothing"; "they are dead."
Their fate is sealed. They either came to know Jesus as Lord or they did not, and it is between them and God now that they are dead. We let the dead bury the Dead, as Jesus said.
The Priest then told me that was the old tradition.
I asked him if Jesus' words were authoritative when he was speaking. Jesus is God, right?
He said, "Yes, but there are many kinds of truth."
I told him Jesus said HE was the truth in John 14:6, and he said that as an imperative, meaning he is the only truth. Not a truth among many but the only one, the only way, and the only life. Who is going to tell all these people here of that Salvation, and why would they need it if there is no hell? And why would Jesus' death on the Cross mean anything if there is no need to be forgiven? The Preist told me, "They have you."
I told him it was your Job today. The priest told me to pray for him. I laughed, gave him a hug, and left.
There is a serious abandonment of the Gospel message today and a complete removal of the reason for Jesus' death. There needs to be a return to the fear of the Lord and holding to HIS word.
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