I have been plaque with fear for days and days anyone help me
There are multiple parts to dealing with fear. The main ones are:
1) Choose to trust God. This does not mean trusting God for a certain outcome, but rather trusting Him/His character of goodness, capability, and love for you.
2) Rebuke the enemy. This is you taking up your God-given authority to throw out the intruder by commanding it to go. This isn't for possession which is rare and much harder to deal with, but oppression which is very, very common and usually covert. Simply speak with real intent something like "I command all unclean spirts off of me (or your children, or your wife for men) and off my property. And I forbid replacement by others." The last part is because they often work in teams to confuse your attempts.
Number 2 isn't just for fear, as you can and probably should rebuke any emotion/sensation that isn't of God (pride, depression, condemnation, lust, rage, addiction, self-harm, some pains, etc.). If you lack confidence, Christians can also do it in Jesus' name. There is no harm in rebuking if you aren't sure. In fact it can be a good first step with any such problem. Realize, though, that rebuking doesn't have a permeant effect because just like swatting a mosquito today, another is bound to pop-up in time.
3) Ask God for discernment and guidance about what to do and be open to unusual things. For example, sometimes an enemy spirit can plant something on you that causes repeated problems but a spiritually sensitive friend can remove it. God has related such things in my awareness to seeds, thorns, weeds, devices, etc. Another example is that we sometimes need a spiritual healing that only God can do, so ask. There are other possibilities too, but God can lead for those who don't put limits on Him.