Hey everyone,
I've been intrigued by the concept of hypnosis therapy lately and wanted to delve into it a bit more.
I've heard some fascinating things about how it can help with various issues like anxiety, phobias, and even breaking bad habits.
However, I'm also curious about the science behind it and how it actually works.
For those who have tried hypnosis therapy or know more about it, I'd love to hear about your experiences and insights.
What drew you to hypnosis therapy? How did it impact your life?
And for those who are skeptical, what questions or concerns do you have about its effectiveness?
This is from those who actually promote techniques like hypnosis.
Source: Encyclopedia of New Age Beliefs)
“Hypnosis is a deliberate-induced condition of deep mental relaxation, passivity, or trance in which a person becomes highly suggestible with a state of consciousness capable of dramatic manipulation. In various forms, hypnotism can be found in every culture in every age. Hypnosis has historically been considered an altered state of consciousness, often called a ‘trance.’ The term itself comes from Hypnos, the Greek god of sleep. The world cannot say with certainty what hypnosis is nor exactly how it works, but somehow it does. Hypnosis in therapy seeks to deal with current problems by employing hypnotic states to change behavior. In New Age & occult applications, hypnosis is used for a wide variety of psychic purposes, including developing ‘human potential’ and uncovering ‘past lives’ for ‘therapeutic’ and occult purposes. A wide variety of self, or personal growth seminars instruct people in the techniques of self-hypnosis to achieve their desired goals. It has been claimed to develop psychic abilities, calm hyperactive children, lose weight, be better at sports, stop smoking, etc. Historically, it is typically associated with the occultists or psychics, the one who exercises power over things or persons, such as the shaman, magician, witch doctor, medium, or guru. Hypnosis has been known to produce a variety of occult phenomena. For example, ‘past-life’ experiences, multiple personalities, speaking in unknown languages, automatic writing, seizures, spirit possession, astral projection, etc. The (demonic) spirits themselves endorse the use of hypnosis because it frequently serves their purpose to possess or influence individuals. Cases of spirit possession resulting from hypnosis have occurred. Many of the best-known mediums of the 19th century first started their careers as hypnotic subjects. The various hypnotic methods lie within the biblically prohibited practices of ‘charming,’ ‘enchanting,’ and general magic.”