Hey Everyone,
We do these types of threads now and then, and we are long overdue for one that includes current members. As the title implies, it's time for an infamous CC Roll Call! But, we like to give it a little twist.
Come join the fun!!
Let us know not only that you're here, but also help us to know a little something about you as well!
1. NAME YOU'D LIKE TO BE CALLED: Seoulsearch/Seoul
2. COMFY OUTFIT OF CHOICE: Good old fashioned sweats with breathing room (DEATH TO YOGA PANTS!!!); T-shirts from favorite cartoons/movies (current favorites in rotation until they wear out: Transformers, How to Train Your Dragon, Super Mario Bros., Jurassic Park.)
3. PURPOSE FOR BEING ON THE FORUM: Why the 3 M's, of course! Mystery, Mischief, and Mayhem.

4. PRONOUNS * -- Disclaimer!!! This is a JOKE/parody of how crazy our modern culture has become. I was in a chat where a bewildered teenage boy was saying his school had required him to give his pronouns on a form for the first time, and the rest of the room was suggesting hilarious answers like, "Kiss/My" and "Nice/Try."

and it made me laugh out loud!!
So for this category, feel free to think of something funny that you would put in response to "What Are Your Pronouns?"
And if you'd rather not answer, feel free to skip this!
As for me? My PRONOUNS would be: "Go/Away" and "YouGotta/BeKidding."
5. MOST FAVORITE MEAL OF CHOICE: If you could choose any delicacy at any price from anywhere around the world, what would it be? Feel free to include dessert!!
A long time ago, I had a fantastic steak dinner at the Cheesecake Factory, which was unusual for me. I rarely eat out and usually never order steak, but for some reason, that big slab o' beef, garlic mashed potatoes (with the skins included! I like my taters rustic!) and a side of tempura green beans were ultimately divine. It was one of the very rare times where I would have had seconds on a green vegetable if given the chance!
And for dessert... I wish they had a cheesecake sampler platter, but alas, I had to pick just one kind (I think maybe it was Black Tie?) and settle for trying just a bite of everyone else's.
(I would have liked more than just sample bites.) 
How about all of you?
This should hopefully be sweet and simple, but feel free to add/subtract any questions/fun facts about yourself that you wish!
CC Roll Call Is Now In Session!!
P.S. If @Talljake answers and his "Comfy Outfit" doesn't include some kind of flannel, I am seriously going to have to go back to the drawing board of what I think I know about people here!
We do these types of threads now and then, and we are long overdue for one that includes current members. As the title implies, it's time for an infamous CC Roll Call! But, we like to give it a little twist.
Come join the fun!!
Let us know not only that you're here, but also help us to know a little something about you as well!
1. NAME YOU'D LIKE TO BE CALLED: Seoulsearch/Seoul
2. COMFY OUTFIT OF CHOICE: Good old fashioned sweats with breathing room (DEATH TO YOGA PANTS!!!); T-shirts from favorite cartoons/movies (current favorites in rotation until they wear out: Transformers, How to Train Your Dragon, Super Mario Bros., Jurassic Park.)
3. PURPOSE FOR BEING ON THE FORUM: Why the 3 M's, of course! Mystery, Mischief, and Mayhem.
4. PRONOUNS * -- Disclaimer!!! This is a JOKE/parody of how crazy our modern culture has become. I was in a chat where a bewildered teenage boy was saying his school had required him to give his pronouns on a form for the first time, and the rest of the room was suggesting hilarious answers like, "Kiss/My" and "Nice/Try."
So for this category, feel free to think of something funny that you would put in response to "What Are Your Pronouns?"
As for me? My PRONOUNS would be: "Go/Away" and "YouGotta/BeKidding."
5. MOST FAVORITE MEAL OF CHOICE: If you could choose any delicacy at any price from anywhere around the world, what would it be? Feel free to include dessert!!
A long time ago, I had a fantastic steak dinner at the Cheesecake Factory, which was unusual for me. I rarely eat out and usually never order steak, but for some reason, that big slab o' beef, garlic mashed potatoes (with the skins included! I like my taters rustic!) and a side of tempura green beans were ultimately divine. It was one of the very rare times where I would have had seconds on a green vegetable if given the chance!
And for dessert... I wish they had a cheesecake sampler platter, but alas, I had to pick just one kind (I think maybe it was Black Tie?) and settle for trying just a bite of everyone else's.
How about all of you?
This should hopefully be sweet and simple, but feel free to add/subtract any questions/fun facts about yourself that you wish!
CC Roll Call Is Now In Session!!
P.S. If @Talljake answers and his "Comfy Outfit" doesn't include some kind of flannel, I am seriously going to have to go back to the drawing board of what I think I know about people here!
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