The Beast Revelation

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Junior Member
Jul 16, 2011
The Beast Revelation

This letter is dedicated to all Christians.

The following letter is a summary of Revelation 13. Its purpose is to show the method used in finding the conclusions which have been stated. Nothing new has been added from my previous letters. It is more of a compilation of them all. This writing is the same material in different words. The Bible uses this same method of explanation. There are four Gospels. In each you see a different view of the same material. This can be beneficial because the meaning becomes more exact. Although, if this is a first time reader, then this will all be news to you. With that in mind, here we go.

The first thing that should be addressed when doing any study of Bible prophecy is what questions do I intend to answer. Some of these questions can seem a little simplistic, but their answers are much more complicated. In my studies there were only a few questions that I saw as needing an answer. My questions were very simple. First, who is this individual who is identified by the number 666? Second, who is the false prophet and how does he make the whole world worship the beast whose number is 666. Another question has to do with these same individuals. Could these two individuals be the same person, or for that matter Satan himself? Where is Satan during all this? That last question is very important. It actually goes straight to the answer of all the questions. Finally, when would someone expect to see these individuals on the Earth? Literally, what time frame should I see them? Those are the questions. The answers are much more involved.

This narrative will attempt to show how the answers are figured out. These answers can be seen from events that happen in the nightly news. This leads me to a key, which most of us know, but most of us forget. The Bible is a history book. Some events have happened, while some are waiting to happen. It is the ones that have not happened that we are most concerned with. Here is another key. By the way, these keys I speak of are keys to understanding. The Lord spoke in parables. The reason he gave was that it was for some to know the mysteries of God, while it was for some to know not. In hearing, they do not hear. In seeing, they do not see. I compare it to telling the truth, while hiding it at the same time. Many of the parables that the Lord spoke he immediately gave an answer to. He showed how he used certain symbols and words to describe subjects and then gave their meanings. Now for the punch line. The Lord also spoke in parables that he did not identify. These parables go straight to the hidden meaning of these end times. Another key is word substitution. An example of this is a pretty well-known item from Revelation. This word substitution deals with Revelation 13:1. The beast has seven heads and ten horns. In Revelation 17 those heads and horns are defined. The heads are identified as mountains, while the horns are identified as kings. This changes the whole picture of what the beast is symbolically to what it is literally. Now Rev.13:1 can be read as follows with just the items discussed thus far. And I saw a beast rise up out of the sea having seven mountains and ten kings. That is a simple and easy word substitution. Know that this will happen many times throughout the Bible.

Now, getting back to the questions. The question is, where is Satan? If this question can be answered, you can eliminate some others. Some prophecy teachers believe that Satan is the beast, or that Satan is the false prophet. This interpretation is misleading, and it also creates a stumbling block in the path to a proper interpretation. I almost always get this question. How can you know who the beast is when he cannot be revealed? 2nd Thess. Chapter 2 states that he cannot be revealed, until something is removed first. Most scholars have this part right. That is a picture of the Rapture. What they have wrong is that Satan and the beast are not the same individual. Satan cannot be revealed until after the rapture, but he is not the beast. Therefore, I can identify the beast and his false prophet. People say prove it. So I did. I told them how to understand using the keys that I have mentioned. Revelation 13 is a parable, but God is not giving the definition, or the explanation. This one is for us to figure out. Ok, so where is Satan? In the book of Job, we get a view of Satan's abilities. In one scene, he is discussing with God about Job. Question, where is God? He is in heaven. Also, in his conversation with God Satan is talking as if he knows and has seen Job. God declares that he can do whatever he wants to Job, but he was not allowed to kill him. Now we know something else about Satan. He also has access to the Earth, and can affect peoples lives. So, it appears that Satan can be everywhere he wants to be, on Earth or in heaven. We know Satan and his angels will be cast out of heaven as per Revelation 12. This would further the idea that he is now in heaven. We also see Satan one other time, when he tempted Christ during his time on Earth. It says that he was taken to the wilderness to be tempted of Satan? Most people, and rightly so, have thought the wilderness to be a place on Earth, but this is a parable I believe. The Lord was in the wilderness and was tempted by Satan, but the wilderness is in heaven. This parable is read in Isaiah 35. It is the wilderness and the solitary place where the redeemed of the Lord walk. So, this last item being the most hard to prove, suffice it to say, that when Rev.12 says Satan will be cast out, he must be there in heaven to be cast out. Alright, now we can answer a couple questions. One, Satan is himself, and he is in heaven. Therefore, he is not the beast or the false prophet. These three work together, but each has his own identity.

Now to dissect Revelation 13. As I have already stated, Revelation 13 is a word substitution parable. The seven heads are seven mountains and the ten horns are ten kings. Ok, we know from this description that the beast as described is a group of possibly ten countries. This brings me to another point. There are three definitions for the beast in Revelation 13. The first is a group of countries rising up out of the sea. The second is in Rev.13:11 and is a beast with two horns (kings). Remember horns are kings as per Rev. 17. Finally, there is a beast who is identified by the number 666. It is this last beast that causes all to receive a mark and that no man can buy and sell save he who has the mark, his number, or his name. There are three items here. Nowhere does it say that the mark is the number 666. This might have been a good guess 20 yrs. ago , but it is pretty hard to believe. Imagine people running around with a mark of 666 on their right hands. It sounds like a cartoon, but this is what the prophecy teachers want you to believe. Ok, another problem that sounds like a cartoon is the interpretation of the word "all." They want you to believe that no man could buy or sell if they did not worship the beast and take his mark. Interpreting the word "all" to mean everyone in the world. This is not the case. For one, we know that the beast is made up of only possibly ten countries. Everyone in this world lives in roughly 190 countries. I don't think we could possibly mean everyone. How about, all of those people concerned with the mark. Also, how do you cause all people concerned to receive a mark, and why? The most obvious way to mark everyone is at the voting booth. All people, rich and poor, small and great, or free and bond are potential voters. So, Mahmoud Abbas was elected president of the Palestinian Authority, and in the process all voters received an indelible ink mark on their right hands. This mark was to prevent double voting and corruption in the election. Ok, we have a mark. It is not 666. At this point he fits the part, but not completely. Still, there is no ready identification of 666 concerning him. This election was in January 2005.


Junior Member
Jul 16, 2011
The Beast Revelation continued

Back to Rev.13. We have seven mountains and ten kings. Prophecy teachers want us to believe that a city with seven mountains is the seat of the antichrist and he rules with ten nations. Their logical conclusion was the Europe Union and the Vatican. This started the revived Roman empire theory. This theory has been around since the reformation. It is hard to believe this charade has gone on so long. Teachers are still preaching the Revived Roman Empire. This theory had some validity before the twentieth century and now has to be eliminated. None of these teachers could have predicted the fall of the Ottoman Empire and its division into so many separate sovereign nations. Back to our word substitution. There is an interesting item here concerning the word mountains in scripture. The word mountains can have two meanings. It can be either a mountain range, or a nation. This is the hardest part of this whole exercise, trying to figure out what mountains are describing. Teachers will have you believe it is a city with seven mountains. In actual fact, mountains here are referring to nations. This also pertains to the head wound. The wound was not a literal head wound at all, but was a nation that was wounded. The beast's head or nation was wounded and was healed. This is the Palestinian Authority after the beginning of the Oslo Accords. The land that Israel possessed was now being given back to the Palestinians and the beast's nation is being healed. Ok, so now I have seven nations and ten kings, Rev.13:1. Why do I have three more kings than nations? It seems I have a king for each nation, but three left over. In Daniel in says the beast subdued three kings. These three kings don't necessarily have to be from different countries. It seems so, but is not expressly mentioned. It is another parable. The three kings who were subdued by the beast were Israeli Prime Ministers. These three Prime Ministers all served during the seven years of the Oslo Accords and were voted out of office because of terror perpetrated during Yasser Arafat's rule. Now, I am down to seven nations. These seven nations will wage war. I can easily see seven nations that will wage war here very soon; Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Iran and the Palestinian Authority or Iraq, and there opponent Israel. This is exactly the same beast that is presented in Rev.17:10, just in a slightly different appearance. There are seven kings, five are fallen. This means five kings were defeated in war. Israel is referred to the "one that is," and the one that came later is the Palestinian Authority. This is a description of Israel's war for Independence. Literally, this was the beast being born. The war in 1967 is the beast rising up out of the sea in Rev.13:1. It was the unresolved issues of this conflict that resulted in the Oslo Accords of 1993. This seven year peace treaty was confirmed by Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat.

Now, there is another beast in Rev.13:11. This beast has two horns or kings. This is a picture of the Palestinian Authority after the elections of January 2006. This is when Hamas ran in the elections and won a majority in parliament. Now the P.A. was a country with two kings. Abbas was the President and Ismail Haniyeh was the Prime Minister. Here is where the problem with money came about. Western Nations did not want to donate money to a known terrorist organization so looked for a way they could still fund Abbas's P.A., but not let any money get to Hamas. This is when the number 666 identified an individual. The temporary international mechanism was adopted on June 16, 2006. This program allowed Western Nations to donate funds directly to Abbas, while bypassing Hamas. If you were a member of Fatah, or on Abbas's payroll you got paid. This is how the people were allowed to buy and sell. They received salaries, whereas before the mechanism, they had no way of getting paid from the Government. Hamas did not receive salaries. Also, Hamas did not receive the mark of the beast. They boycotted the elections for President in Jan. 2005.
It is more obvious who is being talked about the closer you get to the end.

In conclusion, to my three beast definitions. Mahmoud Abbas fits all three definitions. He was a member of the P.A. when it was formed. He took over from Yasser Arafat after his death. He was one of the two kings of the second beast in Rev.13:11. Lastly, he is the one identified by the number 666, which could have been Arafat had he lived.

Now, concerning the false prophet. The following four verses below all refer to the false prophet, Ismail Haniyeh.

Rev.13:11- and I beheld another beast coming up out of the Earth, and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
Rev.13:12- And he exercises all the power of the first beast before him, and causes the earth and them which dwell therein, to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
Rev.13:13- "And he does great wonders, so that he makes fire come down from heaven on the Earth in the sight of men".
Rev.13:15- And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast, should be killed.

Hamas exercised all the power of the first beast (Abbas's P.A.) because they were now an equal partner in the Government. Also, the leader of Hamas caused them to worship or honor the first beast because Hamas would not honor the first beast. The first beast was the PA without Hamas as a member. The image of the beast is what the Government of Mahmoud Abbas represented. Verse 12 does not mention the image yet, we are just informed that the false prophet caused them to worship the first beast. Verse 14 and 15 gives the details of how that worshipping or honor was to commence. An image was created of the first beast that he (the false prophet) caused to be honored. This image of the beast is three items; the recognition of Israel, the honoring of all prior Palestinian agreements, and a renunciation of terror.

The last question I think that needs addressed is how do you know the timing is right? Meaning, there have been so many translations, how do you know that this one is correct? This is a question I always get asked. The answer, in my mind, is sort of a mix between two different prophecies. The first is the seven day prophecy as recorded in Genesis. It is a similitude between this and the amount of recorded time that has already happened on Earth. In the book of Peter, God says one day to him is as a thousand years. If that idea is applied to the Genesis creation, everyday that God created something one thousand years passed. Finally, on the last day he rested from his work, and his rest was one thousand years or one of God's days. This was one full week or 7000 years. After God's rest he started his work again, and he created Adam. Starting with Adam, it was approximately 4000 years to the time of Christ. Also, we know that Christ was here roughly 2000 years ago. If God was to be consistent with his one week schedule, then we could expect his day of rest to fall somewhere after the year two thousand. 4000 plus 2000 is six days and on the seventh he rested for one thousand years. This is not an exact estimate, but it can put you in the right ballpark when searching for the correct timing of Revelation. This is the estimate. The next item is more exact. Daniel 9:27 says that he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week. Many in Hebrew is Rab. This was a covenant confirmed with Yitzhak Rabin. It was the beginning of land for peace, or the Oslo Accords. When you see this agreement happen you should be aware that this prophecy will last seven years. There is only one problem with this item. Prior to it happening, everyone thought that the end of the seventh year of the agreement God would return and begin his rest. Well, that did not happen. The reason was a logical misinterpretation. It just mentions that this agreement must occur along with the prophecies mentioned, not that they would all happen and end on the last day of the seventh year. This has thrown everyone watching off-course for a time. Although, this was not such a terrible mistake if the watcher could see the right answer and get his, or her perspective back. When you have these two items coinciding at the expected time, then you know Revelation can be interpreted with accuracy. The events should start happening, as they have, as I have recorded in this letter.

May God bless all who read this letter.



Well-known member
Sep 17, 2018


Junior Member
Jul 16, 2011
Both posts #1 (2011) and post #26 - (2018) have the same thing posted. And according to another post in that thread he posts this on other sites, even non-religious sites.
Consider he's been roaming the internet for 12 years, at least, posting this around, before engaging him.
There's one point here that you don't seem to be aware of. While you are correct that I have been sending this letter for many years, the words have not changed. They will never change. It is not necessary for my interpretations to change to stay up to date. If you check the dates on my posts you will notice that what was said before and after October 7th, 2023 is the same. It is only now, that if you are paying any attention to the news that you can verify some of what has been said. In other words, my interpretation was correct when the letter was written. If you are still skeptical, keep watching. We are in the middle of it now, and it's only going to get worse... M


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2018
There's one point here that you don't seem to be aware of. While you are correct that I have been sending this letter for many years, the words have not changed. They will never change. It is not necessary for my interpretations to change to stay up to date. If you check the dates on my posts you will notice that what was said before and after October 7th, 2023 is the same. It is only now, that if you are paying any attention to the news that you can verify some of what has been said. In other words, my interpretation was correct when the letter was written. If you are still skeptical, keep watching. We are in the middle of it now, and it's only going to get worse... M
Such an irrelevant point. Why you fabricated the idea that I believe you changed any of it is beyond me, but that's all it is. Fabrication. Made out of thin air. Baseless and unfounded. In fact I said "posted the same thing". Read that again. Same. Thing. How do you read that as I believe any of it has changed?

Also you assumed I spent time reading all this. I think not. Seems like your ability to magically know others thoughts and actions has failed you.

Care to falsely assume or make up anything else?


Junior Member
Jul 16, 2011
Mayroon bang mga Pilipino dito na nahihirapang magbasa ng Ingles? Mas mabuti ba kung ang mga post ay nasa tag? Curious lang ako. Noon pa man ay impresyon ko na karamihan sa mga Pilipino ay nagsasalita ng Ingles...


Junior Member
Jul 16, 2011
There's one point here that you don't seem to be aware of. While you are correct that I have been sending this letter for many years, the words have not changed. They will never change. It is not necessary for my interpretations to change to stay up to date. If you check the dates on my posts you will notice that what was said before and after October 7th, 2023 is the same. It is only now, that if you are paying any attention to the news that you can verify some of what has been said. In other words, my interpretation was correct when the letter was written. If you are still skeptical, keep watching. We are in the middle of it now, and it's only going to get worse... M
Such an irrelevant point. Why you fabricated the idea that I believe you changed any of it is beyond me, but that's all it is. Fabrication. Made out of thin air. Baseless and unfounded. In fact I said "posted the same thing". Read that again. Same. Thing. How do you read that as I believe any of it has changed?

Also you assumed I spent time reading all this. I think not. Seems like your ability to magically know others thoughts and actions has failed you.

Care to falsely assume or make up anything else?
I see your point now. I misinterpreted your comments to mean it was a bad thing that I was posting the same letter without any changes. It was how I interpreted your words, and the meaning I applied to them that my response was about. I wanted to let the readers know that there will never be any changes.


Junior Member
Jul 16, 2011
Also you assumed I spent time reading all this. I think not. Seems like your ability to magically know others thoughts and actions has failed you.

Care to falsely assume or make up anything else?
Normally, I always start from the idea that comments concerning my posts come from knowledge of my words. In this case, I would be wrong.


Senior Member
Apr 16, 2015
Why is it that some who read the Bible says it does not mean what it says??? EVERYONE means just that!! EVERYYONE! If one wishes to interrupt the Bible in this light you could interrupt the entire Bible that way. For example, Jesus didn't really rise from the dead as the Bible states it means Jesus rose up to the earth. LOL

This is where this scripture rises!!1 Tim 4:1-2) If Revelation was a parable the Lord would have stated as such as he did in the following scripture (Luke 18:1) and many other in Matthew. Mark, and John. You can look at the entire Bible as a parable if one wishes to. But that would also be false doctrine. Common sense!!! This is what concerns me most in today's world!! The lack thereof!


Junior Member
Jul 16, 2011
Why is it that some who read the Bible says it does not mean what it says??? EVERYONE means just that!! EVERYYONE! If one wishes to interrupt the Bible in this light you could interrupt the entire Bible that way. For example, Jesus didn't really rise from the dead as the Bible states it means Jesus rose up to the earth. LOL

This is where this scripture rises!!1 Tim 4:1-2) If Revelation was a parable the Lord would have stated as such as he did in the following scripture (Luke 18:1) and many other in Matthew. Mark, and John. You can look at the entire Bible as a parable if one wishes to. But that would also be false doctrine. Common sense!!! This is what concerns me most in today's world!! The lack thereof!
The lord spoke in parables to hide the truth from those who were not supposed to know. Even though a parable was told to them, they did not have ears to hear or eyes to see. How would a parable be used to hide the truth if Jesus interpreted it for them? Therefore, when Jesus said he spoke in parables, believe it. He just didn't interpret all of those parables. It is for his people to see the answers, when the time was right... M
May 29, 2018
Sad to say na lahat ng nag comment dito sa topic ng thread na ito Wala akong nakitang tama...
May 29, 2018
The Beast Revelation

This letter is dedicated to all Christians.

The following letter is a summary of Revelation 13. Its purpose is to show the method used in finding the conclusions which have been stated. Nothing new has been added from my previous letters. It is more of a compilation of them all. This writing is the same material in different words. The Bible uses this same method of explanation. There are four Gospels. In each you see a different view of the same material. This can be beneficial because the meaning becomes more exact. Although, if this is a first time reader, then this will all be news to you. With that in mind, here we go.

The first thing that should be addressed when doing any study of Bible prophecy is what questions do I intend to answer. Some of these questions can seem a little simplistic, but their answers are much more complicated. In my studies there were only a few questions that I saw as needing an answer. My questions were very simple. First, who is this individual who is identified by the number 666? Second, who is the false prophet and how does he make the whole world worship the beast whose number is 666. Another question has to do with these same individuals. Could these two individuals be the same person, or for that matter Satan himself? Where is Satan during all this? That last question is very important. It actually goes straight to the answer of all the questions. Finally, when would someone expect to see these individuals on the Earth? Literally, what time frame should I see them? Those are the questions. The answers are much more involved.

This narrative will attempt to show how the answers are figured out. These answers can be seen from events that happen in the nightly news. This leads me to a key, which most of us know, but most of us forget. The Bible is a history book. Some events have happened, while some are waiting to happen. It is the ones that have not happened that we are most concerned with. Here is another key. By the way, these keys I speak of are keys to understanding. The Lord spoke in parables. The reason he gave was that it was for some to know the mysteries of God, while it was for some to know not. In hearing, they do not hear. In seeing, they do not see. I compare it to telling the truth, while hiding it at the same time. Many of the parables that the Lord spoke he immediately gave an answer to. He showed how he used certain symbols and words to describe subjects and then gave their meanings. Now for the punch line. The Lord also spoke in parables that he did not identify. These parables go straight to the hidden meaning of these end times. Another key is word substitution. An example of this is a pretty well-known item from Revelation. This word substitution deals with Revelation 13:1. The beast has seven heads and ten horns. In Revelation 17 those heads and horns are defined. The heads are identified as mountains, while the horns are identified as kings. This changes the whole picture of what the beast is symbolically to what it is literally. Now Rev.13:1 can be read as follows with just the items discussed thus far. And I saw a beast rise up out of the sea having seven mountains and ten kings. That is a simple and easy word substitution. Know that this will happen many times throughout the Bible.

Now, getting back to the questions. The question is, where is Satan? If this question can be answered, you can eliminate some others. Some prophecy teachers believe that Satan is the beast, or that Satan is the false prophet. This interpretation is misleading, and it also creates a stumbling block in the path to a proper interpretation. I almost always get this question. How can you know who the beast is when he cannot be revealed? 2nd Thess. Chapter 2 states that he cannot be revealed, until something is removed first. Most scholars have this part right. That is a picture of the Rapture. What they have wrong is that Satan and the beast are not the same individual. Satan cannot be revealed until after the rapture, but he is not the beast. Therefore, I can identify the beast and his false prophet. People say prove it. So I did. I told them how to understand using the keys that I have mentioned. Revelation 13 is a parable, but God is not giving the definition, or the explanation. This one is for us to figure out. Ok, so where is Satan? In the book of Job, we get a view of Satan's abilities. In one scene, he is discussing with God about Job. Question, where is God? He is in heaven. Also, in his conversation with God Satan is talking as if he knows and has seen Job. God declares that he can do whatever he wants to Job, but he was not allowed to kill him. Now we know something else about Satan. He also has access to the Earth, and can affect peoples lives. So, it appears that Satan can be everywhere he wants to be, on Earth or in heaven. We know Satan and his angels will be cast out of heaven as per Revelation 12. This would further the idea that he is now in heaven. We also see Satan one other time, when he tempted Christ during his time on Earth. It says that he was taken to the wilderness to be tempted of Satan? Most people, and rightly so, have thought the wilderness to be a place on Earth, but this is a parable I believe. The Lord was in the wilderness and was tempted by Satan, but the wilderness is in heaven. This parable is read in Isaiah 35. It is the wilderness and the solitary place where the redeemed of the Lord walk. So, this last item being the most hard to prove, suffice it to say, that when Rev.12 says Satan will be cast out, he must be there in heaven to be cast out. Alright, now we can answer a couple questions. One, Satan is himself, and he is in heaven. Therefore, he is not the beast or the false prophet. These three work together, but each has his own identity.

Now to dissect Revelation 13. As I have already stated, Revelation 13 is a word substitution parable. The seven heads are seven mountains and the ten horns are ten kings. Ok, we know from this description that the beast as described is a group of possibly ten countries. This brings me to another point. There are three definitions for the beast in Revelation 13. The first is a group of countries rising up out of the sea. The second is in Rev.13:11 and is a beast with two horns (kings). Remember horns are kings as per Rev. 17. Finally, there is a beast who is identified by the number 666. It is this last beast that causes all to receive a mark and that no man can buy and sell save he who has the mark, his number, or his name. There are three items here. Nowhere does it say that the mark is the number 666. This might have been a good guess 20 yrs. ago , but it is pretty hard to believe. Imagine people running around with a mark of 666 on their right hands. It sounds like a cartoon, but this is what the prophecy teachers want you to believe. Ok, another problem that sounds like a cartoon is the interpretation of the word "all." They want you to believe that no man could buy or sell if they did not worship the beast and take his mark. Interpreting the word "all" to mean everyone in the world. This is not the case. For one, we know that the beast is made up of only possibly ten countries. Everyone in this world lives in roughly 190 countries. I don't think we could possibly mean everyone. How about, all of those people concerned with the mark. Also, how do you cause all people concerned to receive a mark, and why? The most obvious way to mark everyone is at the voting booth. All people, rich and poor, small and great, or free and bond are potential voters. So, Mahmoud Abbas was elected president of the Palestinian Authority, and in the process all voters received an indelible ink mark on their right hands. This mark was to prevent double voting and corruption in the election. Ok, we have a mark. It is not 666. At this point he fits the part, but not completely. Still, there is no ready identification of 666 concerning him. This election was in January 2005.
The first beast of Revelation 13 is the Roman Empire who is responsible in making war against the saints while the second beast is the United States of America who owns the number 666, ang the Image of the beast is the United Nations...
May 29, 2018
By: Ezra Celestin
Today many who preach against the mark of the beast have already embraced it with their whole hearts, not knowing that they have. They are looking for the mark in the direction that Satan is pointing, and that opens not just a can but a tub of worms.
Satan is a master deceiver and will stop at nothing to deceive the children of God. Unsuspecting children of God would want to believe that putting Vicarius Filii Dei, an inscription on the Pope’s crown, to Roman numerals and adding it up to 666 is a reasonable interpretation and a unique perspective of the prophecy.
Daniel saw the Roman Catholic Church as a political system, symbolized as a horn, and John saw it as a religious system, symbolized as a wounded head.
Take a look at the similarities between modern Christian interpretation arriving at the number 666 and that of ancient Babylon.
By assigning a numerical value to the title Vicarius Filii Dei, it adds up to 666. For VICARIUS: V = 5, I = 1, C = 100, I + 1, U (or V) = 5; for FILII: I = 1, L = 50, I = 1, I = 1; for DEI: D = 500, I = 1; totaling 666.
In ancient Babylon there were thirty-six gods, and by assigning a numerical value to each god, the sum of the numbers from 1 to 36 totals 666. The calculation is simply this: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18 + 19 + 20 + 21 + 22 + 23 + 24 + 25 + 26 + 27 + 28 + 29 + 30 + 31 + 32 + 33 + 34 + 35 + 36 = 666.
Satan is no fool; he has been perfecting his craft of deception on the mark and the number of the beast since way back in Babylonian times. The Bible says, “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six” (Revelation 13:18 KJV).
A beast is a nation, and every nation has a number. The number is the number of people that governs the nation. All of the power of the number is vested in one man—the head of state. Let us take a moment to count the number of the two horned beast.
In the governmental structure of the two-horned beast, there are three branches of government in control of the two-horned beast namely executive, legislative, and judicial. There are also two political parties functioning simultaneously, hence the two horns of the beast.
There is wisdom in calculating the number of the two-horned beast. Calculate the number of each branch of government, and sum it up.
Executive: 15
Legislative: 535
Judicial: 116
Total: 666
All the power of these 666 people is vested in one person, the president of the United States. When the president speaks, the nation has spoken. The number 666 spoken of by John in Revelation 13:18 is the number of the nation of the United States of America. However theologians are pointing in every direction other than the United States of America. Most Christians will not accept that the number 666 spoken of by John in Revelation 13:18 is the number of the United States of America.
There is no other Nation on Earth with that number and the two-horned description.[/QUOTE]
The first beast of Revelation 13 is the Roman Empire who is responsible in making war against the saints while the second beast is the United States of America who owns the number 666, ang the Image of the beast is the United Nations...
The Beast Revelation

This letter is dedicated to all Christians.

The following letter is a summary of Revelation 13. Its purpose is to show the method used in finding the conclusions which have been stated. Nothing new has been added from my previous letters. It is more of a compilation of them all. This writing is the same material in different words. The Bible uses this same method of explanation. There are four Gospels. In each you see a different view of the same material. This can be beneficial because the meaning becomes more exact. Although, if this is a first time reader, then this will all be news to you. With that in mind, here we go.

The first thing that should be addressed when doing any study of Bible prophecy is what questions do I intend to answer. Some of these questions can seem a little simplistic, but their answers are much more complicated. In my studies there were only a few questions that I saw as needing an answer. My questions were very simple. First, who is this individual who is identified by the number 666? Second, who is the false prophet and how does he make the whole world worship the beast whose number is 666. Another question has to do with these same individuals. Could these two individuals be the same person, or for that matter Satan himself? Where is Satan during all this? That last question is very important. It actually goes straight to the answer of all the questions. Finally, when would someone expect to see these individuals on the Earth? Literally, what timehis number is Six hundred threescore and six” (Revelation 13:18 KJV).
A beast is a nation, and every nation has a number. The number is the number of people that governs the nation. All of the power of the number is vested in one man—the head of state. Let us take a moment to count the number of the two horned beast.
In the governmental structure of the two-horned beast, there are three branches of government in control of the two-horned beast namely executive, legislative, and judicial. There are also two political parties functioning simultaneously, hence the two horns of the beast.
There is wisdom in calculating the number of the two-horned beast. Calculate the number of each branch of government, and sum it up.
Executive: 15
Legislative: 535
Judicial: 116
Total: 666
All the power of these 666 people is vested in one person, the president of the United States. When the president speaks, the nation has spoken. The number 666 spoken of by John in Revelation 13:18 is the number of the nation of the United States of America. However theologians are pointing in every direction other than the United States of America. Most Christians will not accept that the number 666 spoken of by John in Revelation 13:18 is the number of the United States of America.
There is no other Nation on Earth with that number and the two-horned description.


Junior Member
Jul 16, 2011
By: Ezra Celestin

All the power of these 666 people is vested in one person, the president of the United States. When the president speaks, the nation has spoken. The number 666 spoken of by John in Revelation 13:18 is the number of the nation of the United States of America. However theologians are pointing in every direction other than the United States of America. Most Christians will not accept that the number 666 spoken of by John in Revelation 13:18 is the number of the United States of America.
There is no other Nation on Earth with that number and the two-horned description.
Do you believe that there are consequences in heaven for corrupting God's Word? I hope not one person believes you. Consequences grow as more people follow you...M
May 29, 2018
Do you believe that there are consequences in heaven for corrupting God's Word? I hope not one person believes you. Consequences grow as more people follow you...M
Why you say I am corrupting God's word?
May 29, 2018
Do you believe that there are consequences in heaven for corrupting God's Word? I hope not one person believes you. Consequences grow as more people follow you...M
Who and what are the two beast of Revelation 13?
May 29, 2018
If you have to ask this question, then you have not read the letter.
Your post is that the second beast is the Palestinian Authority. But it is not written the second beast will make war against Israel?