I have been thinking, I don't crow very much online, when folks start sharing "stories" it can get out of control. But I've seen some things, I've been in revivals, I never got revived, I was baptised in the Holy Ghost from the getgo.
But thinking about another thread on the eternal security of those saved.
I thought about when I was working in a large detox in London run by Christians which also served the community as a "bail wing" for young folks who had been charged with a crime and were awaiting trial. We had a gang of boys down from Glasgow who were known as the Glasgow Razor Boys, it was quite high profile.
Now these boys whose trademark was to walk up to a victim and slash their face and laugh as their face fell apart, Glasgow was a rough old city in those days. But they heard that the Christians were getting excited about a thing called the baptism of the Holy Ghost. So on one of our bible meetings the leader of the gang turned up to mock.
But as the meeting commenced the colour drained from his face and he looked at me and said "ye believe in hell Jimmy" now I'm no hell fire preacher but I answered honestly that I did. He got up and made a rush [I ducked ...] but he was making for the door and fled. He went to see one of the Christians who actually was critical of our "shenanigans" but the lad got saved, God works that way, to Him be the glory.
Two more gang members got saved and a great persecution began between those who had been saved, a boy who had stolen a purse and run away to London also got saved, and those who did not get saved. Their doors were set alight and the mocking was merciless. But the lad held out and took it all. He had been a vicious razor boy and they had all been afraid of him.
Suddenly he broke. He grabbed one guy and pushed him across the kitchen and up against the wall. Everybody laughed at him ... the great Christian, it didn't last long.
I got a message "come down quick there's been an incident" when I arrived he was stretched on the floor bawling his eyes out. "Oh I failed Him, I'm lost. I can never come back to Jesus"
I said "praise the Lord, I'm so glad this has happened" Everybody looked at me "eh?" that kitchen was full of drunks and recovering druggies, chefs, washer uppers, servery staff etc, they worked the kitchen for their board "yes, yes I'm glad, don't you see this PROVES he was saved," We picked the lad up and calmed him down a little I asked him "in all those razor fights you had up there in Glasgow, you never had any remorse, you never wept or cried, this proves you've been changed, your heart is different. you can't lose your salvation"
I can give you all the scriptures, no problem for why salvation can never be lost but the truth is simple. God has so ordered His salvation with WEAK Christians in mind, for the tender lambs and the trembling sheep of His flock. It is with THEM in view that He makes salvation a once and forever work which can never be undone. God wants us to come BOLDLY to His throne of grace with complete confidence.
But thinking about another thread on the eternal security of those saved.
I thought about when I was working in a large detox in London run by Christians which also served the community as a "bail wing" for young folks who had been charged with a crime and were awaiting trial. We had a gang of boys down from Glasgow who were known as the Glasgow Razor Boys, it was quite high profile.
Now these boys whose trademark was to walk up to a victim and slash their face and laugh as their face fell apart, Glasgow was a rough old city in those days. But they heard that the Christians were getting excited about a thing called the baptism of the Holy Ghost. So on one of our bible meetings the leader of the gang turned up to mock.
But as the meeting commenced the colour drained from his face and he looked at me and said "ye believe in hell Jimmy" now I'm no hell fire preacher but I answered honestly that I did. He got up and made a rush [I ducked ...] but he was making for the door and fled. He went to see one of the Christians who actually was critical of our "shenanigans" but the lad got saved, God works that way, to Him be the glory.
Two more gang members got saved and a great persecution began between those who had been saved, a boy who had stolen a purse and run away to London also got saved, and those who did not get saved. Their doors were set alight and the mocking was merciless. But the lad held out and took it all. He had been a vicious razor boy and they had all been afraid of him.
Suddenly he broke. He grabbed one guy and pushed him across the kitchen and up against the wall. Everybody laughed at him ... the great Christian, it didn't last long.
I got a message "come down quick there's been an incident" when I arrived he was stretched on the floor bawling his eyes out. "Oh I failed Him, I'm lost. I can never come back to Jesus"
I said "praise the Lord, I'm so glad this has happened" Everybody looked at me "eh?" that kitchen was full of drunks and recovering druggies, chefs, washer uppers, servery staff etc, they worked the kitchen for their board "yes, yes I'm glad, don't you see this PROVES he was saved," We picked the lad up and calmed him down a little I asked him "in all those razor fights you had up there in Glasgow, you never had any remorse, you never wept or cried, this proves you've been changed, your heart is different. you can't lose your salvation"
I can give you all the scriptures, no problem for why salvation can never be lost but the truth is simple. God has so ordered His salvation with WEAK Christians in mind, for the tender lambs and the trembling sheep of His flock. It is with THEM in view that He makes salvation a once and forever work which can never be undone. God wants us to come BOLDLY to His throne of grace with complete confidence.
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