I haven't seen this thread till now. = )
And btw,
deja vu... I feel like I've addressed this question numerous times in many past threads. = )
I'll attempt it again... but will make it very brief this time...
--Verses 7 and 8 go together (time-wise); Verse 9's "who SHALL BE punished with" is "future" to those;
--the text states (v.7) "rest / repose with us
IN THE REVELATION [NOUN] OF"... (not the VERB "shall be/is revealed")--
https://biblehub.com/interlinear/2_thessalonians/1-7.htm ;
--"from heaven with His mighty angels
"flaming fire / in flame of fire" is JUDGMENT language, just like is the exact language used
in Lam2:3-4 [ 3In fierce anger He has cut off every horn of Israel and withdrawn His right hand at the approach of the enemy. He has burned in Jacob like a flaming fire that consumes everything around it. ], when speaking of His inflicting the Chaldeans / Babylonians onto Israel, OVER SOME TIME;
see also Hab1:6,12!);
so consider that "His mighty angels" speaks to the "7 angels" with the 7 Trumpets and the "7 angels" with the 7 Vials in the time period we commonly call the Tribulation period, i.e. JUDGMENT
unfolding upon the earth OVER SOME TIME (Rev... in the TIME PERIOD
leading UP TO Rev19 His return
to the earth FOR the MK age);
INFLICTING VENGEANCE ON them that know not God and..." speaks of a period of SOME DURATION (not the split-second moment of His return to the earth at Rev19); this is speaking of the same "them" in 2Th2:10-12 (and the same time period) when God "shall SEND TO THEM strong delusion, SO THAT they should BELIEVE THE LIE / the FALSE / the
PSEUDEI" OVER SOME TIME! (not merely for a singular "24-hr day" or split-second moment of time);
this is the SAME "
avenge IN QUICKNESS [noun]" that Lk18:8 speaks to (comp.
Rev1:1 [1:19c/4:1]'s "things which must come to pass IN QUICKNESS [NOUN]" speaking of the future, specific, limited [7-yr]
TRIB yrs);
verse 9 tells of their ultimate destination ("away-from the presence of the Lord"... ),
and v.10 tells of His Second Coming
to the earth, which is when THAT will happen--they'll be sent away to everlasting punishment AWAY FROM Him;
... and which verse (v.10) also speaks of those who (
by contrast)
will have come to faith in the Trib yrs (these are the ones who will "marvel at"), that is, these
will have come to faith "in
THAT day" (the time-period of the Trib yrs), "because '
the testimony of us to you' WAS BELIEVED in
that day" [BY THEM!]);
In Scripture, whenever "the day of the Lord" and "IN THAT DAY" are used in the same contexts (as they are here in chpts 2-3), they refer to the SAME TIME PERIOD;
These two "end-caps"
of this context (chpts 1-2) are
contrasting the TWO OPPOSITE "beliefs" ppl WILL BE coming to, IN / WITHIN / DURING the Trib yrs;
1Th5:1-3 already made abundantly clear that "the day of the Lord" (an
earthly-located TIME-PERIOD) will "ARRIVE" "exactly like [
hosper]" the INITIAL "birth
singular]" that comes upon a woman in labor... and this is exactly what Jesus had spoken of in Matt24:
4 / Mk13:
5 (G5100 -
tis - 'A CERTAIN ONE' [
bringing deception])...
well-prior to the MID-trib point when the AOD takes place (Matt24:15): 1260 days are yet remaining (so IOW, "the DOTL" STARTS with the FIRST "birth PANG" i.e. SEAL #1... at the START of the "7 yr period" we commonly call "the Trib"--not at its MID-point, nor at its END-point)
Welp, that wasn't as "brief" as I'd hoped...
Boiled down:
1) look at the Greek wording of this text;
2) compare with related passages for similar language used elsewhere;
3) discern the timing elements within this passage--it is NOT referring to the singular moment of His return at Rev19, but involves MUCH MORE than just that
Hope that helps you see the "pre-trib" perspective. = ) (I could say much more... but will spare your eyes. lol)
"rest / repose with us IN THE REVELATION OF..." (is lengthy... not split-second-y
