my dear, you know the verse numbers are man made, right? men put the chapter and verse divisions into the Scriptures.
In both the hebrew and greek letters are assigned a number so if you were to look at the bible in that way every word and letter is a number there are also 88 constalations
only two books in the bible has 88 or more chapters Psalms and numbers I don't believe in coincidences and I was in my time with him describing to him exactly how psalms 88 was without even realizing it when I had that dream I spoke he answered
I have been very sick this whole year I have almost died 6 times
The English word "sick" is recorded 88 times in the King James Bible. It is found the most in Matthew (14 times) followed by Mark (13) and Luke (7). The word "bed" is also written in 88 KJV verses. Both of these words occur together in Matthew when Jesus displays his power to heal and asserts his right as God's Son to forgive sins.
But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (then saith he to the sick of the palsy,) Arise, take up thy bed, and go unto thine house (Matthew 9:6, KJV).
I was sick suffering greatly in bed when I spoke this to him and he gave me the dream coincidence? There is no such thing.
But our side of the world has been taught numerology not the real thing and that can be found only in the word of God but if man has power to make his word in any way flawed then his word is null and void either it is the truth or it isn't.
The entire bible is numbers every word every letter was originally written in hebrew in the OT and greek in the new testament both of which have a number assigned to each letter and word.
The number 23 has followed me all year as well it appears in almost everything from the time of day the time stamp of videos I watch on youtube my apartment number my hospital room number I don't even have to try to find it it just shows up 23 in the bible means death but Psalms 23 is the one scripture that God keeps speaking to me
Now consider this if you calculate the name Jesus it equals 888 is that coincidence? the number three as the God head is completeness it is also one of the most common numbers in the bible aside from 7 and 12 there are three 8 in the name Jesus there are only three angels named in the bible
God is described, in the very beginning of the book of Revelation, as a Being with the three-fold characteristic, "which is, and which was, and which is to come" (Revelation 1:4).
There are 3 great periods of God's annual Feast days of worship. They are the spring festivals (Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread), the summer festival (Pentecost) and the fall festivals (Feast of Trumpets, Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles).
And much more I have been doing my research yet no one has been able to show any scriptural evidence of this being man made evil divination or anything.
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