"When people commit acts of evil, they don’t tell you it's evil. They paint it as compassion or as a favour or even as a human right. So it’s no surprise they claim assisted suicide is just that, compassion for the elderly, for those suffering from pain. But sometimes they let their try intentions slip and say the quiet part out loud."
This lady, What's her face, is speaking as a Canadian unbeliever of the M.A.D.E. Act.
Hospitals already have unwritten policies and "ethics" death committees in America which few are aware of in case some think "it's just those Canajuns and don't bother me."
There are already many murders by physicians and nurses daily in all of the states. This topic is relevant to the churches, but how many pastor's teach on and preach against this crime? I'd guess there are far more who try to undermine the Bible about that term "kill" than who tell their people not to kill, (oops! I just spoke a "mistranslation" they'd say), murder their parents with "comfort care".
Believe it or not it's our responsibility to do whatever we can to protect our families from that evil force.
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