There is no question that over the last few years there has been a huge increase in false teachers outside the churches and apostasy within the churches of Christendom. The example of Saddleback Church is just the tip of the iceberg. The Lord Jesus Christ and His apostles already warned us many times that there would be an increase in false teachers and false prophets before the Second Coming of Christ. But that still leaves us with the question of why false teachings are more appealing than Bible truth.
There could be several reasons as to why people fail to, or refuse to, accept the truth and hold fast to it. And why they choose what is false and unbiblical, and cling to it desperately.
1. Many have not been systematically taught Bible truth within their churches. That is the responsibility of the leadership, and the leaders have neglected their responsiblity. But Paul said that those elders who labor in the Word and doctrine are worthy of “double honor” (1 Tim 5:17). Where are those elders?
2. Many have failed to commit themselves to serious personal Bible study, and prefer to watch teachers on TV or listen to radio sermons. But what did Paul have to say about personal study? Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (2 Tim 2:15). So when they are shown the truth, they double down in their errors rather than repent of their false beliefs.
3. Many have succumbed to the false notion that emotionalism replaces a sober and clear understanding of the Word of God. The phenomena of so-called “holy laughter” and hopping and jumping around entered into many churches, and undermined Christians with nonsensical behavior which is supposedly “spiritual”.
4. Many have believed the lie from Satan that salvation (justification) is a result of saving faith plus something else (particularly water baptism). The idea that one must do something to either be saved or maintain salvation has great appeal since it involves earning or meriting salvation to some degree. The common wisdom that there are “no free lunches” has been carried over to the spiritual realm. But there is generally a very poor understanding of the finished work of Christ. Even to this day too many Christians do not really understand justification by grace through faith and imputed righteousness.
5. The whole truth regarding what the Lord Jesus Christ accomplished in His sufferings, His death, His burial, and His resurrection has not been fully presented by too many pastors and teachers. Neither have all the various facets of salvation been tied together to show how they are all connected, and that salvation is a work of God from start to finish. Which means that too many believers have a shallow and superificial understanding of the finished work of Christ. And this impacts their confidence in God and Christ and Gospel truth.
6. The rise of false gospels has been gladly accepted by many since the issues of sin, repentance, practical holiness and righteousness have been either neglected, or have not been properly presented. The pernicious doctrines of Five Point Calvinism have done nothing to help people believe the true Gospel. The Prosperity Gospel has been equally pernicious in creating false expectations. Then we have the cults growing by leaps and bounds because the lie always sounds better than the truth.
7. Then there is the issue of discipling and shepherding. Too many churches have failed to see that Christ gave a plurality of elders to every church so that the burden of shepherding individual Christians (particularly new converts) would not fall on just one man. As a result the lambs are being left to fend for themselves and the wolves have a great time.
8. Too many churches are now trying to accommodate the winds of change by having women as pastors, supporting same sex marriages, encouraging the LGBTQ agenda, not speaking out against transgenderism and sexual perversion, and even violating the laws of the land by encouraging illegal migrant invasion. The world has entered into the churches and few are questioning this.
9. Then we have the false unity of ecumenism being promoted by the church of Rome, as well as other apostate churches, and people are led to believe that this is actually promoting Christian unity. But how can there be unity between light and darkness? The church of Rome will never change, but hopes to bring all the other denominations under its umbrella.
As we can see, the spiritual warfare which originates from principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places is having a huge impact on Christians and churches. But God has provided the “whole armor of God” to stand against all of them. It is up to every child of God to do so.
There could be several reasons as to why people fail to, or refuse to, accept the truth and hold fast to it. And why they choose what is false and unbiblical, and cling to it desperately.
1. Many have not been systematically taught Bible truth within their churches. That is the responsibility of the leadership, and the leaders have neglected their responsiblity. But Paul said that those elders who labor in the Word and doctrine are worthy of “double honor” (1 Tim 5:17). Where are those elders?
2. Many have failed to commit themselves to serious personal Bible study, and prefer to watch teachers on TV or listen to radio sermons. But what did Paul have to say about personal study? Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (2 Tim 2:15). So when they are shown the truth, they double down in their errors rather than repent of their false beliefs.
3. Many have succumbed to the false notion that emotionalism replaces a sober and clear understanding of the Word of God. The phenomena of so-called “holy laughter” and hopping and jumping around entered into many churches, and undermined Christians with nonsensical behavior which is supposedly “spiritual”.
4. Many have believed the lie from Satan that salvation (justification) is a result of saving faith plus something else (particularly water baptism). The idea that one must do something to either be saved or maintain salvation has great appeal since it involves earning or meriting salvation to some degree. The common wisdom that there are “no free lunches” has been carried over to the spiritual realm. But there is generally a very poor understanding of the finished work of Christ. Even to this day too many Christians do not really understand justification by grace through faith and imputed righteousness.
5. The whole truth regarding what the Lord Jesus Christ accomplished in His sufferings, His death, His burial, and His resurrection has not been fully presented by too many pastors and teachers. Neither have all the various facets of salvation been tied together to show how they are all connected, and that salvation is a work of God from start to finish. Which means that too many believers have a shallow and superificial understanding of the finished work of Christ. And this impacts their confidence in God and Christ and Gospel truth.
6. The rise of false gospels has been gladly accepted by many since the issues of sin, repentance, practical holiness and righteousness have been either neglected, or have not been properly presented. The pernicious doctrines of Five Point Calvinism have done nothing to help people believe the true Gospel. The Prosperity Gospel has been equally pernicious in creating false expectations. Then we have the cults growing by leaps and bounds because the lie always sounds better than the truth.
7. Then there is the issue of discipling and shepherding. Too many churches have failed to see that Christ gave a plurality of elders to every church so that the burden of shepherding individual Christians (particularly new converts) would not fall on just one man. As a result the lambs are being left to fend for themselves and the wolves have a great time.
8. Too many churches are now trying to accommodate the winds of change by having women as pastors, supporting same sex marriages, encouraging the LGBTQ agenda, not speaking out against transgenderism and sexual perversion, and even violating the laws of the land by encouraging illegal migrant invasion. The world has entered into the churches and few are questioning this.
9. Then we have the false unity of ecumenism being promoted by the church of Rome, as well as other apostate churches, and people are led to believe that this is actually promoting Christian unity. But how can there be unity between light and darkness? The church of Rome will never change, but hopes to bring all the other denominations under its umbrella.
As we can see, the spiritual warfare which originates from principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places is having a huge impact on Christians and churches. But God has provided the “whole armor of God” to stand against all of them. It is up to every child of God to do so.
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