Consider this my formal introduction to CC,
Hello! It is nice to meet you,
Usually I would lead with my name, but for internet privacy reasons I don't tend to share that. My username on this site is a mixture of the names of my two patron saints, Ivo of Kermartin and Thomas More, Both are patrons of legal and social action. Ivo is additionally a patron of the poor whilst More is an English Martyr.
I was raised a churchgoing congregant of a liturgically traditional Church of England parish, and I prescribed to a variant of Anglican theology known as "Apostolic Anglo-Catholicism", the professed midway between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism. I lapsed during my early teens and was an atheist for many years. Three years ago, my faith was rekindled after a dream in which I felt warmed by the Sacred Heart of Jesus. At first, I returned to Anglicanism, but ended up being received into the Roman Catholic Church in the Easter of 2023.
I am an academic lawyer, but also have an background in Theology. I am always enthusiastic to discuss these topics with anyone! My legal research is mainly focused around criminal and constitutional law reform. My theological research focuses on situational ethics, emphasizing love as an ethical norm, the relationship between canon law and moral theology, and sacramental theology (particularly how it links to Jewish covenant theology).
I look forward to all the contributions and conversations to be made here on CC
Hello! It is nice to meet you,
Usually I would lead with my name, but for internet privacy reasons I don't tend to share that. My username on this site is a mixture of the names of my two patron saints, Ivo of Kermartin and Thomas More, Both are patrons of legal and social action. Ivo is additionally a patron of the poor whilst More is an English Martyr.
I was raised a churchgoing congregant of a liturgically traditional Church of England parish, and I prescribed to a variant of Anglican theology known as "Apostolic Anglo-Catholicism", the professed midway between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism. I lapsed during my early teens and was an atheist for many years. Three years ago, my faith was rekindled after a dream in which I felt warmed by the Sacred Heart of Jesus. At first, I returned to Anglicanism, but ended up being received into the Roman Catholic Church in the Easter of 2023.
I am an academic lawyer, but also have an background in Theology. I am always enthusiastic to discuss these topics with anyone! My legal research is mainly focused around criminal and constitutional law reform. My theological research focuses on situational ethics, emphasizing love as an ethical norm, the relationship between canon law and moral theology, and sacramental theology (particularly how it links to Jewish covenant theology).
I look forward to all the contributions and conversations to be made here on CC
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