Hello sister. Im not judging anyone. I hope you're daughter does cone to Jesus, and becomes servant of the living God.
Colossians 1:13.
He has delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into kingdom of his dear son. Ephesians chapter 5. Live as children of light. Deliverance from the power of darkness transform us into children of light.
Jesus died on cross for Christian people sins, and salvation. The step they have to make, is taking up their cross daily and follow Jesus. Means, enduring some Persection and pain. Its struggle for some people. Jesus Christ is asking us to devalue things in the world, and serve Him. Those who choose to stay in darkness, don't want to give up there sins and give 100 percent obedience to God. Sin blinds people to the truth and darkens there understanding of reality. They become close minded. Matthew chapter 5. Jesus says, You are the light of the world. Let your light shine before others that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. There is no easy road for Christian people. Jesus carried his cross, and suffered for us. Are we going to run away ffom taking up our cross, and hide in darkness. Or follow Jesus, and Carry our own cross. It's real easy to slip out back door. Run from adversity, run from persecution, make excuses why I can't take up my cross. We can't force anyone to love Jesus. We can't force anyone to walk foot steps of Jesus. Love must originate from within. Jesus gave every thing for us. We can't give little back to Jesus. I hope this helps you. Peace.