“And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel”
So I'm not trying to start a new doctrine here, I understand this is talking about Christ. But my sister and I were just talking about how satan has always tried to destroy the womans seed. Whether it be drugs, abortion or sterilization , feminism, homosexuality and now transgenderism . Satan has done his best to try to attack the family and more specifically mothers
and their seed.
With feminism came the idea that a woman doesn't need a family to be fulfilled. A 9-5 job was what she needed to be happy. In the 70s came abortion. Women were already being sterilized thanks to Margret Sanger who said women were having too many children and needed to "plan their parenthood". 60 million abortions doesn't take in to account the children and grandchildren they could have had. Then homosexuality was pushed, where partners would have no bloodline from their parents. Now we have transgenderism that is pushing women out of their roles and being taken by men. Satan has been after the womans seed since the beginning. I thought that would be a wonderful Mothers Day sermon. Anyone have any thoughts about it? Sure appreciate your point of view.
So I'm not trying to start a new doctrine here, I understand this is talking about Christ. But my sister and I were just talking about how satan has always tried to destroy the womans seed. Whether it be drugs, abortion or sterilization , feminism, homosexuality and now transgenderism . Satan has done his best to try to attack the family and more specifically mothers
and their seed.
With feminism came the idea that a woman doesn't need a family to be fulfilled. A 9-5 job was what she needed to be happy. In the 70s came abortion. Women were already being sterilized thanks to Margret Sanger who said women were having too many children and needed to "plan their parenthood". 60 million abortions doesn't take in to account the children and grandchildren they could have had. Then homosexuality was pushed, where partners would have no bloodline from their parents. Now we have transgenderism that is pushing women out of their roles and being taken by men. Satan has been after the womans seed since the beginning. I thought that would be a wonderful Mothers Day sermon. Anyone have any thoughts about it? Sure appreciate your point of view.
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