Arriving early, valet parking voids the walk.
Waiting impatiently for a Latte.
Arriving in approved seating just as the house dims;
And backstage lighting slowly builds to a glow.
Live music swells from a professional band;
As the Pastor enters wrapped in soft light.
Large screens lower silently from both sides
Beautiful splashes of PowerPoint timed perfectly to the music
The speaker announces an inspiration from above;
To be directed to those seated quietly in rows;
A message of growth and healing;
Received from God, but delivered by him.
This same man who now scoffs at his brothers;
For claiming to be God’s intermediary;
Will now provide truth, faithfully and clear;
To those gathered round so eager to hear.
Waiting impatiently for a Latte.
Arriving in approved seating just as the house dims;
And backstage lighting slowly builds to a glow.
Live music swells from a professional band;
As the Pastor enters wrapped in soft light.
Large screens lower silently from both sides
Beautiful splashes of PowerPoint timed perfectly to the music
The speaker announces an inspiration from above;
To be directed to those seated quietly in rows;
A message of growth and healing;
Received from God, but delivered by him.
This same man who now scoffs at his brothers;
For claiming to be God’s intermediary;
Will now provide truth, faithfully and clear;
To those gathered round so eager to hear.
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