I need to know that I'm not the only one please!I'm an empath and I have struggled with this knowledge for a while now and trying to understand this gift that gives me so much grief.Romans 8:22 says we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now.Am I the only one that seems to feel the worlds pain and groans of the woman and children being abducted,abused and thrown into sex slavery?Please tell me that I'm not the only one who wakes up crying because I feel the pain of the families in the Ukraine and Russia because of the evilness of the war that rages on.I need someone and everyone who can relate to message me because I'm having a hard time on a daily basis with all of this and I'm not sure how I'm supposed to use this gift for the good of God instead of feeling tormented by it.
I'm that person who reads the news headlines and then matches it to the corresponding scripture to prove to myself that he scripture is real and accurate to everything thats going on.But with that sometimes comes scrolling around on Youtube and watching the lawlessness that's taking place across this country.The brazenness of the criminals and drug dealers.This zombie drug and Fentanyl thats being pumped into this country by China and manufactured in Mexico to be distributed in this country to kill anyone who's in it's path.The homeless encampments that have taken over our cities looks like a version of Hell on earth.I know it's Gods judgment because we've kicked God out of everything that He used to be include in but I can feel it all and it hurts.I'm holding on for our dear Lord to return but there are some trying times going on and I know that theres alot more ahead.He did say that I wouldn't give us more than we could bear right?
I'm that person who reads the news headlines and then matches it to the corresponding scripture to prove to myself that he scripture is real and accurate to everything thats going on.But with that sometimes comes scrolling around on Youtube and watching the lawlessness that's taking place across this country.The brazenness of the criminals and drug dealers.This zombie drug and Fentanyl thats being pumped into this country by China and manufactured in Mexico to be distributed in this country to kill anyone who's in it's path.The homeless encampments that have taken over our cities looks like a version of Hell on earth.I know it's Gods judgment because we've kicked God out of everything that He used to be include in but I can feel it all and it hurts.I'm holding on for our dear Lord to return but there are some trying times going on and I know that theres alot more ahead.He did say that I wouldn't give us more than we could bear right?
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