Hopelessness often comes at the point in your life when you feel you have hit rock bottom. But as I always like to point out, God will often let us hit rock bottom so that we will discover that He is the Rock at the bottom. Hopelessness is often born out of difficulties, defeats and discouragements. And while these things are painful, there are seasons when the Lord uses our suffering to grow and strengthen us. These are the times when He sees fit to strip us of our self-sufficiency.
Friend, we shouldn’t run from difficulties or try to cope our way out of the lessons to be learned. It is not pleasant and it is not happy, I understand. But it will produce in you a better life than you ever imagined, if you let it and don’t resist the growth. Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:3). Those who are spiritually broken will be blessed because they will see God in a way unlike most others. They will experience His reality and presence flowing through their lives in a uniquely personal manner.
Sometimes following Jesus can take you directly into the heart of a storm – into the heart of hopelessness. That’s what happened to Jesus’ disciples on the Sea of Galilee. They were simply doing what they had been told to do and wound up in one of the worst nights of their lives. We read, “Immediately He made the disciples get into the boat and go ahead of Him to the other side … ” (Matthew 14:22).
Have you ever felt blown about or battered in the middle of doing exactly what you believe God told you to do? I know I have. I wish I could tell you that following Jesus means you will never have to face any storms. I wish I could tell you that it means the waters of this life will always be calm. But I can’t because the Bible says otherwise. The Bible is full of stories about people who faced hard times while doing exactly what God wanted them to do.
There is a lot of preaching today as well as many Christian books that tell you that if you follow Jesus, you will never have to face any challenges in life. But that wasn’t true for Jesus, or anyone else who followed Him. This is because God sometimes allows trials into our lives in order to reveal Himself to us in a way that we would not have known Him otherwise. But whether or not we benefit from these trials or they defeat us depends largely on how we view them and how we respond to God in the middle of them.
Being in a trial is never fun. But you don’t have to go through it alone. The downfall in the economy may have put pressure on your financial life. Maybe you’ve lost your job due to no fault of your own. Or maybe these pressures have increased the strain at home in your family and you are facing a storm in your marriage or with your kids.
Wherever your storm may be, you are not alone. Jesus is with you and He will see you through. Listen for His voice. Look for Him. Remember, if life ever makes you feel like you are drowning, your lifeguard walks on water.
God Bless y’all
Thanks 😊
Friend, we shouldn’t run from difficulties or try to cope our way out of the lessons to be learned. It is not pleasant and it is not happy, I understand. But it will produce in you a better life than you ever imagined, if you let it and don’t resist the growth. Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:3). Those who are spiritually broken will be blessed because they will see God in a way unlike most others. They will experience His reality and presence flowing through their lives in a uniquely personal manner.
Sometimes following Jesus can take you directly into the heart of a storm – into the heart of hopelessness. That’s what happened to Jesus’ disciples on the Sea of Galilee. They were simply doing what they had been told to do and wound up in one of the worst nights of their lives. We read, “Immediately He made the disciples get into the boat and go ahead of Him to the other side … ” (Matthew 14:22).
Have you ever felt blown about or battered in the middle of doing exactly what you believe God told you to do? I know I have. I wish I could tell you that following Jesus means you will never have to face any storms. I wish I could tell you that it means the waters of this life will always be calm. But I can’t because the Bible says otherwise. The Bible is full of stories about people who faced hard times while doing exactly what God wanted them to do.
There is a lot of preaching today as well as many Christian books that tell you that if you follow Jesus, you will never have to face any challenges in life. But that wasn’t true for Jesus, or anyone else who followed Him. This is because God sometimes allows trials into our lives in order to reveal Himself to us in a way that we would not have known Him otherwise. But whether or not we benefit from these trials or they defeat us depends largely on how we view them and how we respond to God in the middle of them.
Being in a trial is never fun. But you don’t have to go through it alone. The downfall in the economy may have put pressure on your financial life. Maybe you’ve lost your job due to no fault of your own. Or maybe these pressures have increased the strain at home in your family and you are facing a storm in your marriage or with your kids.
Wherever your storm may be, you are not alone. Jesus is with you and He will see you through. Listen for His voice. Look for Him. Remember, if life ever makes you feel like you are drowning, your lifeguard walks on water.
God Bless y’all
Thanks 😊
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