An iconic American radio voice and storyteller. He was famous for telling part of a story then pausing and then telling the remainder of the tale. Usually they had an unexpected twist ending.
Backing up for a bit for context... I was at a very low point of my life then, after the dissolution of my
marriage and multiple failed pregnancies, when I went to see that movie about Jesus. It was Passover,
1988. I was thirty three years old, and it did not escape my notice that I was the same age Jesus is
believed to have been when He was crucified. I thought about Jesus and God a lot... wondering,
pondering, discussing with others various theories when opportunity to do so were presented.
I felt the presence of angels, whether real or imagined I cannot say for sure. However, I do know
I was in a great deal of emotional pain, and those who knew me best were concerned for my well
being, fearing the worst, and not for the first time in my life. The sense of loss and failure and shame
I felt were crushing. Knowing God loved and forgave me helped alleviate some of that pain.
So I walked away from that experience thinking it was too bad God chose to let me know I was
loved and forgiven in a church. How funny are we? I became more determined to discover the truth
and purpose and meaning of life, in a manner of speaking. While ignoring the Bible of course, since
those people were all wrong about what they believed, right? I eventually became involved with a
man who I discovered was very abusive. People again feared for my life. I must have thought it was
what I deserved, and in retrospect I certainly did not understand what love was, or how to identify
abuse, and protect myself from malfeasance by having healthy boundaries and speaking my truths.
I was also drinking and drugging. By the age of thirty nine and at the end of yet another relationship,
again in a lot of emotional pain, I cried out to God for help. I had sat down to write out my feelings, but
was so sick and tired of feeling the way I did, the thought of writing it all out rather repulsed me, and
it was as if the cry just arose spontaneously from out of the depths of my being. Please, God, help me.
Within days I was clean and sober after having used mind and mood altering substances regularly over
the course of the past twenty four years. I lost the desire to use. I entered more seriously into a process
of recovery in twelve step fellowships, where we were encouraged to pray, and seek God's will for our lives.
I have already skipped over some parts but must leave off here for now. Thank you for asking! .
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