There are many verses teaching on wisdom. Wisdom is the number 1 virtue. Add in Proverbs 2;6 & 9:10. Imagine if we all conditioned in our spirit this statement, "Would Jesus think, speak or do that"? every time we were tempted to entertain an ungodly thought, speak ungodly & certainly to act ungodly?
We should definitely study the bible, especially the wisdom books, to learn God's wisdom.
But while we're think about this, lets think a little about the phrase "What would Jesus do?"
Maybe this isn't the best way to arrive at our decisions.
What would Jesus do?
(Examining this expression.)
1.) What would Jesus do? How would WE know?
- Should we really believe, with out finite minds, with our fallen minds, with our pitiful and corrupted selves, we could really even know what Jesus would do in all situations?
- It's absurd to think we would, or even could, know what Jesus would do in all things.
- That is thinking way too highly of ourselves.
- When we "imagine" what Jesus would do in some situation, that's all it is, our imagination. We are fabricating a Jesus in our minds; a Jesus that fits in a little box, and it does everything "just so" in some way we pretend to understand. And we understand this imaginary Jesus-in-our-head PERFECTLY... because WE CREATED IT!
- The real Jesus is eternal God... and does not so easily conform to our own fallen minds.
- The real Jesus is someone we love, and get to know better each day.... and if we're getting to know him better each day, that IMPLIES, INHERENTLY, WE DO NOT KNOW HIM PERFECTLY.
- If we DO NOT KNOW HIM PERFECTLY, then we DO NOT know what he would do in every situation.
- If we don't know him perfectly... we shouldn't pretend that we do.
2.) There are a great many things which are given to us, which were not given to Jesus at all.
- Would Jesus get married?
- No.
- But can you can get married?
- Sure.
- So if you're thinking about getting married, and you say, "What would Jesus do?" the answer will be "NO MARRIAGE!"
- That isn't much help is it?
- There are a great many things like this... things that are given to us, but not given to Jesus in his earthly life.
3.) We each have specific vocations and callings which may have nothing to do with the life of Jesus.
- If you're wondering if you should become a plumber, and you ask, "What would Jesus do?", the answer will be "Don't be a plumber."
- Why? Because Jesus COULD NOT be a plumber, because he had a higher calling... being a plumber was something he could not do.
- But perhaps YOU can be a plumber, and that's just fine.
- Jesus had a higher calling than being a plumber, but perhaps your high calling IS to be a plumber... perhaps that's how God wants to provide for your family, and perhaps that's the special way he wants you to do YOUR ministry to the world.
- You need to pray about it, get counsel, and study the scripture.
4.) We encounter a great many things, in our modern world, things which Jesus simply never spoke about.
- How much time would Jesus spend on social media? Would Jesus use an online church if he couldn't get out? Would he stay home during a pandemic? How many times a day would he post on ChristianChat? Would he make youtube videos as part of his ministry? Would he feed his cat dry food or canned food? Would he eat strictly organic? Would he drive a gas car, an electric car, or a hybrid?
- We have NO ANSWER to these things, because they have nothing to do with the life or time of Jesus.
- However, if we simply ask "What should I do?", then we can arrive at an answer through scripture, counseling and prayer.
5.) The Bible never instructs us to go around saying, "What would Jesus do?"
- That is never given to us as the "special test for all decisions"... in fact, it's not given us as the test for any decisions.
- There is a sense in which we are to follow Christ, and a sense in which we are to "be like him"... but these are analogs, general statements of general behavior. These aren't supposed to be specific or exhaustive.
- The bible never tells us, in every situation, to solve for x by saying, "What would Jesus do?"
- It isn't a biblical command.
- But we are told to follow him in holiness, to study the scripture, to learn wisdom, to walk with God, and to preach the gospel.
6.) Finally, we are not to be duplicates of Jesus, but representatives. He made you to be you for a good reason... for a special purpose.
- God made each of use unique and special for his own special purposes.
- None of us are supposed to BE Jesus, we are to follow him, walk with him, and have a relationship with him... not BE him.
- God needs you to be you... that's why he made us all different.
- Now, we're supposed to be GOOD versions of us, versions that walk with God... we're supposed to born again, and following Christ, and growing always in the faith... but we're still us.
Take care everyone; have a great weekend.
: )