Greetings and welcome. I agree with everything you say except for the very last part. Is it the country you're concerned about losing or people's souls? Would the body of Christ crumble and fall unless we save the country?
Hello and thanks for your response, Resident Alien. I understand and appreciate your question, and I will explain my statement with these points:
1. America's founding fathers made a covenant with Almighty God and He is faithful to it.
2. I believe His desire is for America to be the Lighthouse to the World. What we are experiencing now is preparation for this!
3. The Church of Jesus Christ in America has been weak and has failed to push back on the darkeness that has been taking over our nation AND the World. God is sifting the wheat from the chaff - "Judgment begins in The House of the LORD" (1 Peter 4:17)- we will see False Pastors and other leaders removed by God's Hand. The Ekklesia - The True Church of Jesus Christ - will be revealed to the World!
4. Christians are to influence our government - be involved in it. That includes voting, running for office and being alert to our culture, leaders and laws and speaking out when things veer off track. We did not do this, starting in the 1960s when prayer was removed from our schools. Our culture has gone completely downhill ever since.
5. As we see now, when Christians ARE NOT involved in their culture, demonic forces are very happy to take over.
And to sum this up and answer your question, when the essence of The Ekklesia is Truth, and such things as Clarity and Unity - without the demonic influences which are currently influencing The Church in America - we will be identified - like a Lighthouse - a worthy guide for seekers looking for Christ. Revival has started. Multitudes are and will continue to be seeking God. God is asking us if we are ready. I am praying that every member of The Ekklesia makes themselves ready. We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Praise God!