what state are you in, sounds like Florida.
I forget that each state in the US is like a different country.
That's ok. Even we Americans are taught that the states are like counties of a single monolithic capitol with a dictator at the head we call a president. That's how it often works too.
The united States was intended by the ratifiers of the federal as well as the state constitutions to be a kind of unified collection of what are called nation states in other parts of the world. It had an extremely weak federal gt which was subservient to the states. Each landowner was considered a king of his land. Following the civil war, the northern states, coopted by the federal conquered the southern states and changed the structure eventually to a corporate body. Now each segment of the states are not truly autonomous, but rather clones of the others in as far as structure and most legal codes (so called laws). The differences are usually in quantity of taxes. Land ownership is no longer run by the kings. They were conquered and coopted so that the public servants now rule over the kings. The exact extortion payments of varying amounts from the "owners" at purchase and again and again every year.
My state is of a lower cost to live on our lands and homes than many, but it is still very expensive. People figure out where they want to retire because they will run out of money and become homeless after exhausting their decades of life savings.
It touches a nerve with me somewhat because I've worked with people who ended up this way.
James 1:27 It hurts to see them forced to signed everything their previous generations owned, they worked their entire lives to earn.....over to the state, only to be institutionalized.
You asked valid questions. I wish there were answers as easy as living in an RV. Even they have to pay rent for a lot and utilities. There's much cost for repairs and fuel too. I'm not against anyone doing that, because many people enjoy traveling or living in a tiny house. I just don't want that lifestyle.
I see that New Zealand is going through some changes now, hopefully for the better.
NZ Prime Minister and other current events.