The most popular purchase made with the income tax return of younger taxpayers is down payment an automobile.
My granddaughter and her husband are in that category. They have one child and an income of $600/week. They have a small home that is paid for, and utilities are around $200/month. He works about 5 miles from home. Their car broke down last November, and they depend on other family for transportation. They need a dependable car with low mileage. In shopping around, the best price for what they need is around $20,000. They have $5000 to put down on it, but they have no credit. Lenders will finance $15,000 at 24 to 27%. Interest alone is $300 per month. The normal interest rate for someone with good credit is 4% or about $50 per month.
The reason given was high default rate. I can understand why. Paying $600+ a month for a 5 year old car is ridiculous.
What do you believe is a fair interest rate?
My granddaughter and her husband are in that category. They have one child and an income of $600/week. They have a small home that is paid for, and utilities are around $200/month. He works about 5 miles from home. Their car broke down last November, and they depend on other family for transportation. They need a dependable car with low mileage. In shopping around, the best price for what they need is around $20,000. They have $5000 to put down on it, but they have no credit. Lenders will finance $15,000 at 24 to 27%. Interest alone is $300 per month. The normal interest rate for someone with good credit is 4% or about $50 per month.
The reason given was high default rate. I can understand why. Paying $600+ a month for a 5 year old car is ridiculous.
What do you believe is a fair interest rate?