• Matt 6:9 . . Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name
I rather suspect that verse isn't talking about the Father's personal tag like
as if He were William, Charles, or Darrel.
Many of God's names in the Old Testament don't identify Him like
somebody's name on a driver's license. His names are more or less
descriptive, i.e. those Old Testament names of God tell us things about Him.
Well; those things about Him amount to sacred information that should be
held in the highest regard. For example:
• Gen 1:1 . . In the beginning 'Elohiym created the Heaven and the earth.
That tells us that the cosmos came into existence via intelligent design.
When we buy into that information, we honor the Father's name; which also
tells us that bright men like Carl Sagan, Michio Kaku, and Neal deGrasse
Tyson have thus far committed sacrilege by refusing accept that Gen 1:1 is
true: in effect insinuating that the Father cannot be trusted to tell us the
• Matt 6:9 . . Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name
I rather suspect that verse isn't talking about the Father's personal tag like
as if He were William, Charles, or Darrel.
Many of God's names in the Old Testament don't identify Him like
somebody's name on a driver's license. His names are more or less
descriptive, i.e. those Old Testament names of God tell us things about Him.
Well; those things about Him amount to sacred information that should be
held in the highest regard. For example:
• Gen 1:1 . . In the beginning 'Elohiym created the Heaven and the earth.
That tells us that the cosmos came into existence via intelligent design.
When we buy into that information, we honor the Father's name; which also
tells us that bright men like Carl Sagan, Michio Kaku, and Neal deGrasse
Tyson have thus far committed sacrilege by refusing accept that Gen 1:1 is
true: in effect insinuating that the Father cannot be trusted to tell us the