It's never a happy thing when someone passes away, I am sorry for the loss...
But wonder if there is a real understanding as to what the "pope" stood for?
Do we understand what "Protest-ant-ism" is/was?
Have we ever read the 95 theses?
Do we understand what the fruits of this church was toward those that were sincere in their faith?
After finally getting to read GOD's Word in a language they could actually understand, as opposed to listening to "GOD's Word" in a dead Language, being Latin, they sought to be faithful to the truth that was now revealed to them. Then paid dearly with their lives only for seeking to Love the LORD, their GOD.
As Rev. 17:1-6 so aptly describes Her, the Catholic church is that Great Whore, Mystery Babylon, So, says the reformers though the reformation era.
I hope this doesn't seem that I am jumping on you, not by any means, I have a passion for the history of the church and hope to provoke someone to look into it, lest we being destined to repeat it, and having no clear understanding, be on the Wrong side of right...