I'm from Indiana and was shocked when Trump chose him for VP. He was a turn-coat then and is still one now. Mike P will do anything to get himself elected. He endangered the public safety of every Hoosier to get himself in the Governors chair by making back-room deals for votes against the public interest. He also left the state in shambles with his ill-conceived policies that catered to his rather narrow political base. Let us also NOT forget he was, with Dm. Fauci, the mastermind behind the Covid response that have been devastating to this nation. Indiana was not "gung-ho" and he would not have been re-elected. I'll stop there but a turncoat is a turncoat forever. BTW I am conservative, not a "Repub".
So am I to assume that you are an Independent voter?
My pathway in politics has been this I started out as an Independent because I really didn't know much about politics and I was young and I wanted to vote for whoever I believed was the better candidate and I didn't know much about either Repub or Dem parties.
Probably somewhere in my late 20's or 30's I felt that the way I believed aligned more with the Republican party so I registered with them because by then I had learned you can't really vote in primaries when you are registered as Independent. I stayed with the party until Bush Jr. was President and he lost me when he said I'm the decider as I felt he worked for the American people and should be doing things for us...
So that is when I switched parties to Democrats as I still wanted to be able to vote in a primary race. I don't believe everything Democrats stand for but I also don't believe everything the Republicans stand for. I still vote for who I feel is the better candidate no matter party affiliation. I am really a moderate.
I can honestly say I hate the way politics has become so polarized and the anger displayed by both sides when we live in the greatest country on the planet, but I realize too that things have to get really bad before Jesus comes again as the Bible says there will be a time of trouble such as never was.
My real goal is to be more like Christ and it hurts and it's hard when Christians can't even get along with each other then put a political thread in the mix and everyone's true colors come out and sometimes, (a lot of times), the colors aren't pretty.
So one day at a time and my questions are really sincere. How can you support someone and then turn on them?
I miss Ronald Regan....